This fic is rated: PG
Fandom: Star Wars
Pairing: Goran Beviin/Medrit Vasur
Word Count: 100
Feedback: yes, please! Concrit welcomed.
Distribution: archiving, linking or remixing ok, just credit me and drop me a line!
Author's Note: written for
xenakis_. Yes, it's probably more emotional than usual, but it's extenuatingish circumstances.
starwars_slash My FanFic MasterlistDisclaimer: George Lucas owns Star Wars. I own a 22-year-old pickup truck that needs a new alternator. I hope that Mr. Lucas will accept this story as the tribute to his genius it is, and not sue me for what little I have. No infringement is intended, no profit is being made.
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If you're reading this, I've done something stupid, or maybe just gotten unlucky. Doesn't matter, I suppose. I'm dead.
I meant to be home in time for the harvest. I was almost hoping that this year, we would make enough that I could stay home for a month or two. But then, you've always given me a hard time for being an optimist.
I'm sorry, Med'ika. I never meant to leave you alone.
Never forget I love you.
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