Apr 27, 2007 20:00
[ NOW ]
Current mood: bored-obviously. since im doing this.
Current music: brandy alexander- Feist
Current taste: saliva
Current hair: wet. just got out of the shower.
Current clothes: black jeans, MSU shirt
Current annoyance: being bored having nothing to do
Current smell: cleanliness
Current thing I should be doing: cleaning my room
Current windows open: livejournal, acuvue haha
Current desktop picture: this crazy goldfish with some chinese writing in the background haha
Current favorite band: Feist
Current book: Cat's Cradle
Current cd in stereo:i dont have a stereo i dont think
Current crush: noooo one
Current favorite celeb: Ellen Degeneres? lol
[ DO YOU.. ]
Smoke?: not really no
Do drugs?:
Have a dream that keeps coming back?: nope
Remember your first love?: there hasnt been one yet
Still love him/her?: N/A
Read the newspaper?: yeah most mornings unless i dont have time
Have any gay or lesbian friends?: mm not really i guess
Believe in miracles?: nope
Believe it's possible to remain faithful forever?: yeah i suppose so
Consider yourself tolerant of others?: unless they're intolerable.
Consider love a mistake?: not if you are smart with it
Like the taste of alcohol?: some
Have a favorite candy?: dark chocolate fo sho
Believe in astrology?: i think my horoscope is fun to read
Believe in magic?: ...i have a wand...
Have any pets: kitty-Bennie dog-Casey
Go to or plan to go to college: yeppp
Have any piercings?: nope, but i have had them before
Have any tattoos?: no
Hate yourself: everyonce in a while
Have an obsession?: harry potter or facebook
Have a secret crush?: mmm no
Have a best friend?: yes, a couple
Wish on stars?: i pretend to sometimes
Ever been in love?: no
When did you lose your virginity?: I haven't yet
Do you believe in love at first sight?: nope
Do you believe in "the one?": mmmm i wish i did, but i dont at the moment
Describe your ideal significant other: somone i feel like i can't live without being with?
[ ETC ]
Have you ever played a game that required removal of clothing?: yeah
Have you ever been intoxicated?: ha yeah
Have you ever been caught "doing something?": no not that i can remember
Are you a tease?: no
Shy to make the first move?: depends on the situation i guess
Hair: brownish
Eyes: green
Height: 5'8"
Bought: Salam
Ate & Drank: water and toast
Read: Cat's Cradle
Watched on TV: Grey's Anatomy
beer or cider: beer
cats or dogs: cats
single or taken: single, but I'd prefer to be taken
pen or pencil: pen
gloves or mittens: mittins
food or candy: food
cassette or cd: neither. ipod.
coke or pepsi: neither i hate them both.
kill: a couple people actually
get really wasted with: anyone haha
look like: mmm i dont know. not me
avoid: a lot
saw: Sam
talked to on the phone: Ben?
hugged: Salam
instant messaged: Erik
kissed: my kittyyy
Drank alcohol?: yep
Done drugs?:
Broken the law?: yeah-it's kind of a past time
Run away from home?: haha yeah when i was little i ran down the block and set up camp in a tree. went home many mosquito bites and a couple hours later.
Broken a bone?: yes
Played Truth Or Dare?: yes
Kissed someone you didn't know?: no
Been in a fight?: verbal yeah
Come close to dying?: yeah, a couple times. that's why i live life on the edge.
[ WHAT IS... ]
Your bedroom like?: a mess
Your favorite thing for breakfast?: i hate breakfast foods. so i dont eat it.
Your favorite restaurant?: Leos haha
What's on your bedside table?: my harry potter calander and some books
What do you eat when you raid the fridge late at night?: cheese and crackers
What is your biggest fear?: right now, not being able to get into college
Describe your bed: too small-but a ton of blankets and pillows. i pretty much burrow myself
Spontaneous or plain?: mmm depends
Do you know how to play poker?: kind of-i try
What do you carry with you at all times?: cell phone, keys, ipod
How do you drive?: alright-but kinda fast
What do you miss most about being little?: pokemon
Are you happy with your given name?: eh, i cant imagine myself with a different one, so i guess so
What color is your bedroom?: bwhite with lots of posters
Have you ever been in a play?:i wish
Do poor, homeless, or starving people sometimes annoy you?: nope
Do you consider yourself to be a nice person?: for the most part, yeah