FF#33: Chipped Blocks - Chapter Five

Sep 20, 2015 18:42

Chipped Blocks
An Olicity Flash Fic Story

Flash Fic Prompt #33: Hide From Evil

Chapter Five

Felicity Smoak was very much a creature of habit. She liked routines. She liked predictability. She even liked schedules - always had... even as a child. While she was invariably the first to embrace new technologies, she had been drinking the same cup of coffee - not literally, because one cup would never be enough and also was there anything worse than stale, hard java? Okay, yes, there was mayonnaise. Felicity had an almost obsessive hatred of the condiment. And there was Windows... every generation. But this wasn't her point. Her point was that she had been drinking the same brand of coffee since college... minus that nine month sabbatical she'd been forced to take away from that which was practically her life blood. And she never rearranged her furniture. (Wasn't that just asking for a stubbed toe - or worse - in the middle of the night?) And she always cleaned the bathrooms on Saturday. After all, cleanliness was practically next to godliness, right, so what could be more observing of the sabbath than scrubbing soap scum and toilet bowl rust?

Even when something happened in her life that was a surprise - like Oliver asking her to have lunch with him after their impromptu, irrational dinner the night before - Felicity tried to balance the deviation away from her norm with tried and true behavior. So, she was treating that morning like any other. She got up, she made coffee, she brushed her teeth while waiting for the beloved stimulant to percolate. While drinking her first cup, she meandered around online, checking out the morning's news-news and, more importantly, its tech-news. She ate a bagel (with smear). She showered, she shampooed, she soaped. She spent a ridiculous amount of time taming the wild nest commonly considered her hair. Felicity then put on her makeup, and she made her way towards her closet where, upon a long ago established pattern, she selected the next outfit up for wear. It was simpler that way - allowing yet another schedule to dictate her fashion choices in the morning. Otherwise, she'd spend far too much time weighing her options, and, with Mia, Felicity didn't need any more reasons to be late.


arrow, chipped blocks, olicity, oliver and felicity, flash fics

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