[Drabble Dump]

Nov 19, 2007 15:08

DRABBLE DUMP TIME. Starting from earliest fic to latest fic. :B Copied and pasted from Gyakuten100, yee~ <3

Title: Running.
Word Count: 100
Characters: Phoenix Wright
Challenge: Exercise (For the defense!)

Phoenix had received many a lecture about eating right and exercise. He figured he could do at least the latter. (Gumshoe seemed to fail on both accounts. The acronym for one of his instant noodle cups was MSG, for God’s sake.)

Thus, he exercises. The laps seem inexhaustible. Back and forth, he runs, one point to the other, to the other, and then back to the first. His muscles tremble with the exertion of pounding against the hard concrete.

Despite what he wished in his younger years, he’s not a rebel without a cause. He’s a lawyer without a car.

Title: Aggression. (OHO I AM SO CREATIVE.)
Characters: Von Karma
Genre/Rating: Introspective/G
Word Count: 212
Notes: Inferred spoilers from PW:AA Case 4
For: The prosecution!

Von Karma wasn’t an aggressive man by nature, nor did he consider himself one. He wished only for perfection of self and spirit--Was that such a crime? It was humanity, humanity who forced him into the pitiful charade of such foolishness. They would not listen to a weak man - not that Von Karma was one, heavens no - but without aggression, one was thought of as weak.

Walk strong, walk tall. Speak with will, speak with passion. That was the only way one would get anywhere in the world, he had soon found out. Still, he wasn’t aggressive. Merely...struggling in the pursuit of perfection in an imperfect world.

However, in the pursuit of perfection, the things surrounding him couldn’t be as simple as they seemed. The imbecile judge, the self righteous defense, the quivering witnesses, the clearly guilty defendant…Idiots, the whole lot of them. He never laid a hand on any of them. Not until that day.

He, an innocent man, was shot, callously shot. If he were to be shot without exacting revenge, he would betray all that he believed in. The world did not accept those who were perfect. That day, Von Karma learned an important lesson.

To achieve success, one would not only have to be correct, but aggressive.

Title: An Important Lesson In Poses
Word Count: 264
Challenge: Cool Poses (For the prosecution!)

Odoroki smirked at his reflection in the mirror. He had watched other cases almost religiously for a while now. Yes, he knew the rules, yes, he knew how everything worked, but that wasn’t what he wanted to learn. It was the way they flung their hands out, finger trembling with such great intensity that even the judge was impressed, the way the prosecutors bowed with a delicate sweep of their hands, the way they shook their heads smugly when they knew something that the other didn’t.

He was sure - well, pretty sure at least - that he’d be able to figure out the logistics of everything, but he needed to do it with style. He paused in combing his hair backwards to try out on of the poses. A bow, he supposed, would be cool to try. He had only seen prosecutors bow until now, so it was about time a defense attorney tried!

Fixing a smug smirk upon his face, he carefully swept his hand to his (rather scrawny) chest. So far so good. Assuredly, he bent at his waist. He didn’t hit his head on the counter or anything! (Quite unlike the time he had practiced the finger pointing pose and ended up breaking his nail rather painfully on the mirror.) Gleefully, he straightened up, only to have two long strands of hair to land on each of his eyes with a wet sounding splotch.

Blinded by his hair and crashing into his bathtub, Odoroki learned an important lesson. Poses with a downward sweep were not recommended unless one’s hair was properly gelled.

Title: Style
Pairing/Characters: Miles Edgeworth, Manfred von Karma
Word Count: 327
Challenge: Cool Poses (For the prosecution!)

Miles watched von Karma pace around his study, an expression far too worried for one his age fixed upon his face. The man quite resembled the Dracula from the monster movies that Miles had watched as a child - oh, but he was still a child, wasn’t he? - with his father. Not until a few moments passed did Miles say something. “Mr. Von Karma, is there anything that I should be doing right now?”

After all, if he was mad, it was most likely that Miles did something wrong. Von Karma gave a sharp turn to face Miles, who did his best to stand strong in the fierce glare of his eyes. “Miles,” he said contemptuously, “what do you think perfection in court is?”

Abashed at his own question being answered with another, Miles hesitantly attempted at a solution, “To have all of the facts and the layout of the case perfected and knowing your witnesses and your opponent?”

“Anything else?”

Miles’ thoughts ran wildly, but no matter what, he couldn’t think of anything. Mutely, he shook his head. Von Karma merely raised an eyebrow. “Tsk, tsk, tsk. I thought so. Miles, another point prosecutors have over defense attorneys is that we have style.”

Only after Von Karma looked at Miles expectantly did he respond with a rather flustered, “Wh-What do you mean, Mr. Von Karma?”

A smirk made its way upon the man’s face, as if saying, I thought so. “Perfection includes how one carries himself. Like so.” Von Karma demonstrated perfectly composed bows and confident walks across his study. Miles watched, clearly fascinated. So this was what made him so great.

Thus, 20 year old Edgeworth - no, not Miles, that wasn’t his name, not anymore - stared in the mirror, the evening before his very first case. He did not look over the court record nervously nor was he shuffling through his opening statement. Instead, perfectly composed, he forced a smug smirk upon his face-and bowed.

Title: A Washer's Lament
Pairing/Characters: Edgeworth
Word Count: 116
Challenge: Colour (for the prosecution!)

Edgeworth moved out.

He was enjoying the independence, not to mention the privacy away from von Karma’s piercing stare. Some other things, he didn’t enjoy. Like laundry. Definitely laundry, he found out after staring incredulously inside the washer.

His previously sharp red suit had turned into a lovely shade of magenta. Looking desperately around, he found that doing washing all of one’s clothes at the same time wasn’t a good idea. Muttering darkly, he got into the clothes and glanced in the mirror. The pleasant surprise was that he actually quite liked the colour. More than liked, in fact…

The poor washer never knew that it had just condemned itself for 5 years more of magenta.

Title: Gray
Pairing/Characters: Edgeworth, Phoenix
Word Count: 149
Challenge: Colour (for the prosecution!)

It was Monday when Phoenix heard the news. There wasn’t any school, and he was going to call Miles to come out and play with him because he got a new action figure and the world was wonderful.

Hand still on the phone, a strong hand gripped his shoulder. “Miles’ father died,” his mother said softly. “His funeral is next week.”

Phoenix insisted upon going. When he saw his friend, he was shocked at what he saw. Miles’ face was ashen, but not only that--His hair, once ebony, had turned a shocking gray. Miles merely stared at Phoenix through tearful, foggy eyes.

When it came to Miles, the only mental image that came to Phoenix’s mind was bitter gray.

geekery, drabbles

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