I'm finishing work experience tomorrow, which is weeeeird. I kinda wanna keep going, it's fun and easy. Plus, turns out I'm getting paid £200 for it! Scoooore! This will probably end up going towards fees or something but I kind of do need a new phone...
That said, UNI NEXT WEEK. What is this. I hope I didn't have any work set, because I'm not aware of it, but I am expecting to turn up and someone be like "oh yeah we translated all of Ovid". +_+ Plus the letter from Student Finance has disappeared somewhere, which is, er, PANIC, but there is an online version. So. slfjkfgh.
In other news: have a mini Matthew Goode spam, because tumblr is my new god.
his eeeeeyes +_+
aaaaaaand my favourite one alone again.
An awesome interview;
Click to view
Anyone in the UK watch Downton Abbey? Because, um.
Click to view
I love ITV.