Title: Unrequited
Fandom: X-Men (movieverse)
Pairing: Ahaha. Onesided!BobbyxJohnny, BobbyxRogue, Onesided!JohnnyxScott, ScottxJean, Onesided!JohnnyxBobby
Length: 183 words
Rating: PG-15 for 3 swear words.
Status: Complete.
This is what happens when I try and think of more to say in the Origins storyline. .
You see, Johnny has a problem.
He has a secret, too, but that’s part of his problem. His secret is Scott, Scott, Scott, but his problem is all Bobby. Because Johnny loves Scott and hates Bobby and his problem is Bobby knows.
Bobby also has a problem, because he loves Johnny and he hates Johnny because Johnny loves Scott and he just can’t stand it. So he finds a remedy, and his remedy begins with a b and still burns in his mouth and his mind, but you see, Bobby is desperate.
Johnny’s problem is this; blackmail. It’s worse than torture.
So Bobby fucks Johnny and is fucked by Johnny and pretends that Johnny says Bobby not scottscottscott when he comes, just like Johnny listens to only the first letter Scott says and ignores the other three.
You see, Johnny has a problem, and his problem is this; Johnny loves Bobby and Bobby loves Rogue. So he leaves.
You see, Johnny has a problem, and his problem is this; he left, and now he’s got no one, and he still loves Bobby.