Well, here you go.
I went out to the Theatre tonight to see this depressing play. It was literally that stage of depressing where everything becomes ridiculously funny. (I just kept thinking that Helen of Troy was Lucy (Master's wife) from Doctor Who, and I don't know why.) Everyone died, or got sold into slavery. It was worth it as on the way back I saw a gay couple snogging. Guys. Um.
Okay. Torchwood 2.06.
Well, firstly, er, what the hell?! I literally just watched it and that's my impression of all of the episode. The whole 'ooh, sad tested on aliens' has been done before. (Doctor Who 2.01, with humans, and somewhere for aliens, but I can't remember.) Gwen was pouty-pout again. Martha... I shall not go into the realms of how much I hate her/how annoying she is because I will be here an awfully long time. I could complain about her hair, or her jacket, or her flirting with Owen, but I shall not. I shall restrain myself.
Right then. Where was I? Oh yes, 'what the hell?'. So, Tosh finally plucks up the courage to ask Owen out. It was sweet, I guess, but the program is about Tosh and Gwen's love lives way too much for me. I mean, not just because I want to see Janto *ahem* but because well, let's see... how many episodes have we spent on Rhys? And as for Tosh, well, Series 1, she had the whole episode for her lesbian thing. Series 2, it was the war-soldier guy. And she's spent forever dithering over Owen as well. Granted, Owen had an episode, and well yeah, Jack had his Jack one, and Ianto had Lisa... but... damn, I just disproved myself. There are 7 more episodes to go, so I'm hopeful for more... okay, I just want JackxIanto, and not just random hints/snogs. I want Jack to actually, uhh, show Ianto some LOVE. Because he is seriously puppy-dog cute.
The many, many references to Utopia, SoD and LotTL were painful. One was okay, twenty was just plain annoying. Similarly, that little laser screw device was also really, really annoying. It was obviously going to work. And did anyone else wonder why Martha came back to life? I really have no idea where those lymphocytes came from, I've been racking my brains from previous episodes and I just have no idea. I could have missed something; the only radiation I could think of was the part in the first episode of the third series or the Stat (or whatever) radiation talked about in Utopia, but as far as I can remember she didn't go near it either time. Alternatively, it could just be a new plotline, and speculation would therefore be useless.
Umm... Ianto in a red cap... *ahem* I saw an interview with Gareth David-Lloyd, he was so sweet in it.
And, uh. OKAY. Well, if you've read this far, you're doomed anyhow.
First thing I did was check out his status, and it doesn't say the actor's leaving anywhere, so I think we might be safe. I think it's probably just an excuse for Tosh!angst. I hope so... I kind of like Owen. NEXT TIME, SHOOT GWEN INSTEAD.
But on a totally unrelated subject, THE TWILIGHT CAST HAVE BEEN PICKED. Well, the Cullens at any rate.
Here are the shots on the Stephenie Meyer website. My reactions are:
1) Okay, Edward doesn't look half as ugly as he did in the first picture. He might actually be alright.
2) Umm, Emmett looks like a serial kiler.
3) Look at the second picture for Rosalie. She looks seriously pretty.
4) The problem with this movie is finding supernaturally pretty people. I think they've done a pretty damn good job, considering.
5) Carlisle is old. And he looks like John from Thunderbirds.
6) What the hell is up with Jasper's haircut?!
7) Alice actually looks pretty good.
8) I still don't understand why Eric is Asian.
9) I still don't understand why they've cast him.
10) Victoria looks pretty friggin awesome.