Survey for Victorians about their waterways

Jul 27, 2009 21:37

The survey can be found here.

My Victorian Waterway Survey

July, 2009

We believe many Victorians have a deep-seated interest in the health of Victoria's waterways. The Department of Sustainability and Environment (Victorian Government), the Catchment Management Authorities (CMAs) and Melbourne Water want to make sure you know about an important survey that is being conducted State-wide. This world first survey is open to all Victorians, and we particularly need your opinion. The on line survey ( takes only 15 minutes to complete, and we would greatly value your participation,

Victoria is the national leader in monitoring the physical health of their waterways but until now, not much has been known about their social importance. This project fills in the gaps, and aims to provide Victorian waterway managers with knowledge they haven't had before, including a comprehensive understanding of community expectations, attitudes, and behaviours towards waterway management. Among other questions, the survey asks you what you use rivers and other waterways for, what you think makes a waterway healthy, and who is responsible for waterway health. The findings will inform management practices and policy, including the Victorian Strategy for the Health of Rivers, Estuaries and Wetlands, currently being renewed under the climate change outlook programme.

Professor John Cary from Victoria University and Associate Professor Anne Pisarski from the Queensland University of Technology are running the survey on behalf of the Department of Sustainability and Environment, Catchment Management Authorities and Melbourne Water. A public report on the project and its findings is expected next year.

We would appreciate it if you could complete the survey online. If friends, people at your workplace or adult members of your family have internet access they could also complete the survey online at

Please feel free to circulate the link to other Victorians so more people may complete the survey online, providing us with the best picture possible of the social importance of Victoria's waterways.

Thank you for your interest in this Project. Should you have any further inquiries, please contact Anne Pisarski.

Kind regards,

Associate Professor Anne Pisarski

Chief Investigator

Victorian Waterways Social Benchmarking Project

QUT School of Management
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