Jun 27, 2010 22:21
At least. One hour. Every day. Starting tomorrow, because today's almost over and I've still got a 365 to do.
I told my mom about how they are shutting down Hamilton for the rest of the summer and my summer work came to a too-hasty end today. She was all worried about whether I'd have enough money, and I told her I would, and that I wasn't worried. Then she hassled me about applying for new jobs for a while, which I expected. Then I told her I want to finish college this coming school year and graduate next June in order to read more books, books that I get to choose and not ones for classes, and that I figured out I can easily support myself in a really nice one-bedroom apartment (and by extension, anywhere else I could conceivably want to live) on 40 hours per week at minimum wage. She told me not to waste my potential. This part of the conversation was not so pleasant.
But it actually concluded quite pleasantly, with the plans for the rest of my summer looking like this: Every morning I write for at least an hour, not in my journal. It doesn't matter exactly what, it more matters that I do it. But I have a plan. For a story. And doing things EVERY DAY seems to work well for me. Which, if you know me, you should already know right now. (See Emily Dickinson poems, NaBloPoMo, Project 365, senior year Guild, etc., etc.)
Anyway aside from writing for at least an hour every day, my plan is to do a rather feeble job search, seeing as how I actually have a job for the school year, and kind of would enjoy some time off. So my job search will only involve applying to places that would be super awesome to work at. But yeah. Writing. It's going to start happening. Right now I'm kinda at that place where it's a daunting task that seems way too immense and large to start, like when you know you need to start your essay, but you can't think of the first sentence.
But I'm going to watch some Maureen Johnson vlogs to get pumped.
And then do my book-oriented 365.
And starting tomorrow, I'm going to write for at least an hour. EVERY DAY.
project 365