The Wr!ter: A Strange Dream

Dec 22, 2007 09:30

!! Dear Whomever Gives A Damn !!
So I was sleeping last night, of course, and it was (to me) a pretty bad nightmare. I've been told adults cannot have nightmares, well, I'm here to tell you I can have nightmares. This one wasn't a nightmare, but because of what happened - it was definitely a nightmare.

Kris joined the army, as he is planning to do. He went away for training, and I had the baby - by fluke I had someone here for me, because obviously Mom and I are still not speaking to one another. Then we ended up getting posted to wherever the army put him, and we're there enjoying our time together being a family together.

Christmas rolls around and all of us are sitting around the Christmas tree and having fun playing with toys and games. There is a knock at the door, and Kris says he'll get it. So he gets it, and he says he'll be back in a moment. I don't remember all of what happened, but he goes outside - and he's gone for quite a while, so I go to check on him - and out the window, as it starts to snow - I see him and Karissa in each other's arms and they kiss.

My entire world fell apart, and I woke up.

I call it a nightmare, because Karissa was in it - and on Christmas even, they were caught kissing outside the home that Kris and I share. It never really happened, thank god, but, it scared the hell out of me - that's for sure.

There was a lot more to it, but a lot of it is fuzzy. I just remember pulling back the curtain, and seeing them standing out in the freshly falling snow - and in each other's arms. The way he touched her arms, and caressed her - and then kissed her. It just broke me. I woke up, and it was horrible. I rolled over to make sure he was still there, and he was, but for some reason I was whimpering. It was definitely fucked up, because I don't even know why I was whimpering. I just woke up and was doing it and all I could think in my head was "why the hell am I whimpering?"

I hate dreams that involve Kris and Karissa. Sorry. Nightmares. Nightmares. Those are nightmares. Not dreams. Dreams are good. Nightmares are bad and scary.

ox (! Tw!nkers !) xo
♥         ♥         ♥

the writer

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