Mar 10, 2005 13:42
My dog, Skeeter, isn't doing well. He's really sick. Yesterday I brought him in for being lethargic and found out he's abnormally anemic. He had to stay at an emergency vets office last night with fluids. Today they performed a procedure on him (OxyGlobin) because his PCV (bloodcount) levels dropped way below normal. They're going to continue doing tests to find out what caused his anemia. They're pretty sure it's AutoImmunie Hemolytic Anemia which has a 70% mortality rate. I can't believe this is all happening. I don't feel like it's his time to go. I've only had him since July 25th and he's only 4.5 years old. I'm really scared for him. Please pray for him.
The past few days have been miserable:
Tuesday 6-8:15pm: Constitutional Law Mid-Term
8:30pm: Car accident; Ryan's car; I was driving; other person's fault; didn't get a ticket,
but still
10:45pm: Got home & noticed Skeeter acting funny
Wednesday 9-9:50am Marriage & Family Test
11:00am: Skipped work to take Skeeter to vet; he checked out fine
6:00pm: Took Skeeter back to vet to find out he's NOT fine; his condition worsened in a matter
of 7 hours
The total expenses so far for Skeeter:
HeartGard & Shampoo: $60.84
Bloodwork: $78
Overnight stay w/fluids: $245.40
OxyGlobin & other tests for today: $777.40
Grand total (so far): $1,161.64
God Bless my mom for being such a wonderful person. And again, please keep Skeeter in your prayers.