Feb 15, 2004 21:00
today was a really fun day. i liked it :) i know you're all dying to know what happened so here it goes...
i called andrea and we made plans to go to the mall. then jarrod told me him and chris were thinking about going or something. so jarrod and jon tried to get a hold of chris but they couldn't because chris is a douche. lol (jk chrissy.) sooo jarrod and jon just went to the mall. so we met up with them. that was fun. their funny guys.
and then jarrod and jon had to leave. so me and andrea walked to the pet store! ohhh yeah baby. and then we ran into joey and nate. that was pretty cool. joeys great, i love him. and i just met nate but he's pretty cool.
so the four of us picked up bobby and then walked to pet quarters so i could get some F I S H!
joey and nate were jumping on me and andreas backs trying to get a piggy back ride. lol. it was funny. their coooool.
okay. at pet quarters. get this..
nate was running around banging SO HARD on the fish tanks and the guy was like "um, excuse me..you're causing trauma to our fish and they could die from that." nates just like okay. and then two seconds later bobby got into one of the big dog kennels, and the cash register guy went up to bobby and was like "GET OUT..NOW!" so he left. hah.
we did get to watch these fucking awesome mice on this wheel though. they were both running in opposite directions, so they were falling all over eachother and stuff. it was really hilarious. you had to be there. the five of us just sat there watching them and laughing hysterically.
so then, we went to pet co. where the pets go. heheheh. and it's so fucking awesome there. it's great. yeah. i never got my fish though :(
so then, we walked back to the mall. and we sat there for a little bit. then we had to leave. i managed to give joey money. you know. e v e r y single time i see him i give him money. evey time. i gave nate money too. i'm such a loser :(
yup. so. here i am. at home. hanging with andrea.
here's a question for you. think about it and then comment and give me your answer.
how do they get all those cars and trucks in the mall?