Stephanie keeps having these addicting quiz things haha

Mar 20, 2005 18:36

--Name: Haley...aka Hay, Hayz, Hales, Hay Hay, Haley*J, Ley*J, Haleycopter, Haychelle, etc

-- Birth date: June 29, 1987 summer baby ;)

-- Birthplace: Charleston, SC

-- Current Location: Summerfield, at my hizzouse

-- Eye Color: I dunno hazelish I guess...its dark blue around the edges then green and then yellow around my pupil haha

-- Hair Color: naturally- dirty blonde ...right now- blonde
-- Height: 5'4 1/2"

-- Righty or Lefty: Righty

-- Zodiac Sign: Cancer

-- Your heritage: um American Indian, Scottish and some other stuff I think
-- The shoes you wore today: white sandal heels to church and then cheer shoes to practice

-- Weakness: kisses on the neck and forehead

-- fears: SPIDERS!!! and sometimes snakes, but also being hurt
-- Your perfect pizza: I love me some pepperoni

-- Goal you'd like to achieve: do hair and make-up for celebrities
-- Your most overused phrase: dern and ah dookie and I put AH at the end of everything when Im irritated (example: stop itAH)
-- Your thoughts first waking up: I have to take this dern puppy out...but i just went back to sleep

-- Your bedtime: whenever I'm sleepy

-- Your most missed memory: my Nanny

-- Pepsi or Coke: I try not to drink soda
-- McDonald's or Burger King: Wendy's

-- Single or group dates: SINGLE

-- Adidas or Nike: nike

-- Lipton Ice Tea or Nestea: Crystal light

-- Cappuccino or coffee: Caramel Frappucino


-- Smoke: uh

-- curse: when I'm mad
-- Sing: all the time
-- Take a shower everyday: haha i try

-- Do you think you've been in love: yeah

-- Want to go to college: yeah

-- Like(d) high school: it had its ups and downs

-- Want to get married: oh yes

-- Believe in yourself: most of the time

-- Get motion sickness: nah

-- Think you're attractive: eww no

-- Think you're a health freak: no way
-- Get along with your parent(s): most of the time

-- Like thunderstorms: when I'm inside...and I love them in the evening in the summer
-- Play an instrument: a few songs on the piano ha and one song on the bass guitar but I doubt I remember it...Jon Miller taught it to me my freshman year


-- Drank alcohol: ha

-- Smoked: mmm

-- Done a drug: uh I mean which one haven't I done? ha j/k

-- Had Sex: I'm a prostitute, its how I make a living

-- Made Out: yeah

-- Gone on a date: yesum

-- Gone to the mall?: I used to work at the friggin place

-- Eaten an entire box of Oreos: ugh, i dont think so...but I probably could...I think I came really close one night at Travis' but I stopped because it was his one of his Valentine's presents from me haha

-- Eaten sushi: mm yes yummy

-- Been on stage: yeah

-- Gone skating: yeah

-- Made homemade cookies: yeah !YUM

-- Gone skinny dipping: yes, fun times!!!!

-- Dyed your hair: yeah brown once, and I get highlights


-- Played a game that required removal of clothing: yes sir...who hasn't had a good game of truth or dare? strip pool? strip poker? haha

-- If so, was it mixed company? well um yeah

-- Been trashed or extremely intoxicated: mmm unfortunately Spring Break '04...BUT I didn't get sick and i don't know how i lived to see the next day haha

-- Been caught "doing something": umm HAHAHAHAHA...nahhh

-- Been called a tease: yeah (haha Kat)

-- Gotten beaten up: umm nah well yeah but it was just play wrestling

-- Changed who you were to fit in: maybe when i was young and nieve, but now i dont give a damn

-- Age you hope to be married: before i'm 26...maybe

-- Numbers and Names of Children: umm I dunno...I only have names for my girls though...Faith Mikinzi, Elle Grace, Ryan Mikayla
--How do you want to die: in my sleep with the one i love, like in the notebook, but hopefully i wont have alzheimers

-- Where you want to go to college: goin to The Aveda Institute in Chapel Hill for Cosmeteology and living with my Bryndalyn

-- What do you want to be when you grow up: Hair and Make-up Artist

-- What country would you most like to visit: Italy, Greece, Australia, New Zealand, Some place tropical

-- Number of drugs taken legally: pain killers

-- Number of people I could trust with my life: um I dunno I can think of atleast 5

-- Number of CDs that I own: don't count

-- Number of piercings: 8

-- Number of tattoos: none yet

-- Number of times my name has appeared in the newspaper?: um I know atleast twice but I dunno

-- Number of scars on my body: alot, I am accident prone

-- Number of things in my past that I regret: a lot :(

-- Reason for filling out this survey: b/c i saw it in somebody else's journal (miss tephy sitton)and felt like doing it cause im bored


Kissed your cousin: um, like a family kiss

Ran away: yeah to the woods in my back yard and then got scared and came back home

Pictured your crush naked: hmmm haha yessssssss you know it ;)

Skipped school: yeah

Broken someone's heart: I think :\

Ice Cream: mm LOTS...I love Cold Stone

Season: SUMMER of course!

Breakfast Food: bacon and pancakes

Who makes you laugh the most: my sisters (esp on family vaca's hahaha) and my friends

Makes you smile: a certain someone

Can make you feel better no matter what: my doggies

Who Has it easier? nobody...everyone has problems


Sit by the phone waiting for a phone call all night: nah

Save E-mails: sometimes it depends
Wish you were someone else: yeah, sometimes, but i know there is no one like me

Wish you were a member of the opposite sex: heck no...cause then you wouldn't have an excuse to spend all your money on cute shoes and make-up and clothes and pampering yourself at the spa and all that good stuff

Kiss: mmm hmmmm

Cuddle: love it

Go online for longer than eight hours at a time: no i have a life thanks


Fallen for your best friend?: umm I guess they were a "best" but it was GUY friend dont' worry haha

Made out with JUST a friend?: yeah

Kissed two people in the same day?: yeah

Been in lust?: m yeha I guess
Used someone?: uh Im sure everyone has atleast once

Been kissed?: mm hmm
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