Mar 08, 2006 19:23
OK folks, so Ive posted a lot more the usual today! the day did not continue well.
picked sephie up, went to the doctor with all 4 kids....that wasn't as unpleasant as I anticipated. Found out Michelle has strep throat for the first time ever, Sephie has the nasty stomach flu going around.....yada yada. I also wanted to been seen because my eye was really sore, and my ear hurt. Might as well kill 3 birds with a So..yea...Im like can you check my ear, and eye, they do, then she checks my glands..Y-OUCH!!!! Does strep test...Oh yea.......good stuff........I come out of the office with more prescriptions then the end result....Pink Eye.......Perforated ear drum and STREP THROAT! WTF?!?!?! Argh. I feel like shit. Got all the prescriptions filled, bought all the motrin, tylenol and cough drops I could. Made cupasoups for dinner.........need james home so I can go to bed....RAWR! So far the babies dont have it, but there's a chance Jeffrey may have something since he's been so crabby and pulling at his ears. To the pediatrician we go tomorrow Im sure.
Then got a call from the real estate guy, he wanted to show the house tomorrow. He's got the worst timing. And the biggest attitude. What an asshole. I said no, because 1. Im sick as crap 2. james isnt home to help me with anything 3. im sick as crap. so 5 minutes later the landlord calls and jumps all over me, basically calling me a liar. He said he's been very fair to us, blah blah...fair whatever, we pay our rent in full maybe a day late once in a while, but whatever. So he said we didnt let the guy show the house 4 out of 5 times...BULLSHIT, he was here the DAY OF jeffreys bday, 2 times after that and last week.......fuck him. So whatever....then he said well james told my wife you were all well monday, and now you're all sick!??!?!! Ummm yeah, james isnt the type to go around saying my family is all sick, I need more money in the bank, I have a headache today and I stubbed my ever....I was sick monday feeling awful and the girls stayed home friday. They came home today and I took them to the doctor...fuck off asshole!!! That pisses me I make this shit up...hell Ill give him my damn doctor bills and tell him whats up....asshole!! LOL...look at me being the hard ass...haha. just kiddin. my conculsion for today is...Karma sucks and I did something shitty in a past life! Booo.......
one bad day...