May 07, 2003 22:55
Today was an alright day...
I took the 735 112 bus so then when i got off the bus... i talked to Paul... hehe when its off tha bus... its always serious... its cool... o i forgot to mention... something the other day... he might have to go back to russia... >_< (dont leave us! Johanna needs u very much!)... yea... its sad but today it was a much more happie subject... hehe ... he called Johanna's private line in the middle of the night and it was funnie cause yea... Johanna can stand it... ^_^
Got to school and saw Anne... she asked me why i didnt tell her that there was a test... hmn... i thought she would of figured... hmn or maybe i was wrong... sorry anne >_<;;
Went to ms sotomayors class... didnt do much. i did my trig in there... hehe... i was reallie paranoid when she came... i hurriedly took out the work we should be working on and write whatever comes to my mind... hehe that was scary... gosh... the whole period... i also took Gregs things from his desk.. hehe it was fun ... he called me smart girl... ahahah.. right... just because i stay up late doesnt mean i am smart.... xp.... i take forever to do my homework while u do it in one hour! whoz tha smart one now?
In PE... tried to finish the trig... but didnt succeed... its all good tho. Went to the field... we had a choice of either playing football or basketball... well of course i chose football... yea... i was reallie confused with what to do... cause yea... me forgotz... it was funnie cause i tag people while im not supposed to... and Kyle keeps thinkin that i want to kill him.. hhehe... no... i just wanted to murder u... xp.
At break... i went to the french room to finish my trig... i only had word problems.. and Laura, Stephanie and sorta Derick... was there with the situation i was with... Derick sorta distracted my thinking... hes all like... blah blah blah.. need help? just need to think... im like uhh "ur wasting my time to bs this stuff!" hehe im glad tho... he lend me his calculator to use ... since i was too lazy to get mine >_<...Stephanie kept hurrying me and i sorta got.. uhh i dont knoe scared
When break was over... I waited for Kevin to pack up his cards and stuff and went to trig together... I asked him how come he doesnt put the effort to finish the homework...he said that its because of hehe haha and hoho... hehe i find that cute and funnie... but no... thats not a good reason! xp...
learned about new stuff swigly line... i understand it sorta... and then we got our test back... i got a D xp.. not good... have to bring it up... i knew it was coming but i was surprised i didnt get an F... Angela... thanks for being such a good friend to look at my scores when im scared to look at it... ^_^;; Ron had the about same grade as me so im glad im not alone. Congrats Angela! u got an A! or A-? hehe same thing...
After school, went to umn... dont knoe whos class it was but went into a classroom and dueled Lawrence since i told him i would duel him at break time... he said some stuff about some card he played... and i didnt reallie believe him yet... i didnt want to read the card... cause it was reallie long! and didnt wanna bother garren or terry with their dueling thinking mindz... so yea.. i said i die and i give up... hehe... Lawrence said,"ure no fun!" hehe i knoe ... ^_^;;
watched Garren get his ass beaten by Terry the rest of the time... haha GO TERRY! xp ... then walked to the bus stop since there wasnt anymore time to go to DNA... went to Garrens house...
Garren helped me fix my deck a litto... okay not a litto but a whole lot! not much more perty or cute stuffs... more of Garrens in my deck...played very litto Halo... haha my stomach was growling in PE so i was hungry and I got to eat noodles and ice cream... very good and yummifuliciousdocious
went home... tried finding the trig reflections... and do it later.. hehe... right...
Quote of the Day: "The easiest kind of relationship for me is with ten thousand people. The hardest is with one."