
May 17, 2005 12:41

So yea yesterday, i thought it was tuesday and i was like dad i need to switch the channel cuz i wanna watch my show. He is like well this is the last episode of everybody loves raymond so u r gonna have to watch the reruns of ur show or sumthin. I was like DAD!!! they don't show reruns, and when they do, we r never home. I was like this is the only show i like ever watch all the time and i want to see it. It always comez on @ 9 every tuesday nite. And he said, Melissa, this isn't tuesday! This is monday!
lol i was like o yea, sorry:-\.So we ended up watching the last episode of everybody loves Raymond. It was so funny :-P.
~Speed schedules r stupid! but @ least it was still a 1/2 day. I still wish i could hang out :-(. Babysitting suckz! I get to take my Pointe picz today! they r gonna look pretty cuz i'm going to sit on the little bench thing and that way itz harder to see how truly ugly those costumes are :-P. I'm so sneaky ;-).
so there was a fight today, and the gurl was pushing this guy around and he smacked her:-O. ouch that isn't rite.A guy should never hit a gurl.

4th hour i had predicted wat sum1 was going to say. lmao
o baby o baby. i was laughin uncontrolibly again. :-) but then agian, i alwayz seem to do that in 4th hour. i'm not going to RFL. :-(. I want to go, but i have no money to even donate rite now.
Karri had the best line of the day:shh the emo childd. lmao

~So happy cuz my biology project isn't due till monday!!!!!!!! WONERFUL~

k answer every single question:-)

Give me:
1. a band (one you dont think i listen to already)
2. a movie (one you think i havent seen)
3. a book (one you think i havent read)
4. a question (as many as you want)
5. a joke
6. a poem
7. a compliment
8. a fact about you (one i prolly dont know please)
9. a fact about me
10. a picture (of yourself)
11. something random

(have fun lol)
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