what a weekend...

Jan 19, 2004 19:39

wow... that's all i can say.

fri night the CivE's went out to dinner to celebrate mer's birthday...which was like a week or two ago...but we weren't here. after that, she and i became shung's dolls to put makeup on. and we hit the frat quad. we started at DU for a mixer..not bad, not bad...not fab but fun. from there we went to DTD which was having a party. i remember there being more hot guys last fall...which is wierd...there weren't too many people there. lastly we hit Pika. there were a few more people. still not packed like you'd expect it to be.

sat afternoon was the eboard retreat. basically all the last little questions were asked of the old eboard and setting up the calander for the upcoming semester. like meetings, pinning, initiation...etc...dinner with my little kicked butt. we just sat and talked forever. which was really nice. i think it was what we both needed. when she went to see her friends in morewood, i got ready to hit the quad again. (i know! 2 nights in a row! what a party animal! ;)) we started out at a mixer for KDR...it was themed casino night. it was fun...there could have been more interaction with the brothers...they were basically spread out still...some still in rooms...not what u'd expect for a mixer...from there we hit Phi Kap. a few less people but still kinda fun. they played come on eileen... it's a lot more fun with 20-40 people than with just 5 but Phi Kap gets major points forputting it on. i think we went back to KDR for a little while...at this point the party was well under way...good amount of people. shung wanted to go hit beta, so a few of us went with her. beta, as always when i've been, was packed. this may just be the football players take up more room and create the illusion of more people, but it was still fun. on the way out, i saw one of my friends who's a brother there who was TRASHED. he started swearing his love for me....yeah... =) it was amusing. at that point, mer and i were done...so i came back here...and two seconds later amy and sara came stumbling into my room...and then stu walked in...and we all went to amy's for a little while...lots of drunk people there...kind of amusing. i was hungry so stu came back and we just sat and talked for awhile, which was really nice...i haevn't gotten to talk to him just us for awhile...and that was my night.

sunday included waking up really late, doing some stats and statics hw...zeta meeting took awhile because of minor board elections. my little is the new public relations chair. congrats to all new elects...and then we had transitioning which means all positions were passed onto the new elects. the next hr i worked with my programming ta to try to make my program work...it kinda does...i'm about a quarter of the way done...i'll do more tomorrow night. dance auditions went pretty well...we even had 18 people want to tap dance! unfortunately, that's a little much for just the one number.. =(

today was just blah...nothing too special...although jane made me play the Simpsons xbox game...i'm addicted. much have. anyone who wants to buy me a random present, i'll take an xbox and the simpsons game =D
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