I should learn to look at an empty sky, And feel its total dark sublime

Feb 06, 2016 18:53

So strange to be posting on DW/LJ: I feel like a foreigner peering around an unfamiliar city, not quite sure how the traffic lights work or what the road signs mean. But I like that feeling when I'm visiting somewhere new, and it's good to be back here, even if it's just a brief visit. So, hi!

The other feeling that's sheer bliss, as good as the adrenaline high after a good run, is writing. Not that awkward attempt to put down words when there's nothing in my head, but the feeling when characters are chatting away in my head, and I've just got to get it down. Thank you freece, and Kings Rising (aka Captive Prince book 3) for making me able to write again. Even if I don't manage anything more than the few pages of book 3 epilogue I've written today, it's been great. I honestly thought I wouldn't write again, and while in the scheme of things, that'd be no great loss, I was a little sad about it. Today, I'm happy.

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