To Bourne or Not to Bourne

Dec 02, 2012 16:47

If I watch the latest Bourne movie this evening, is it going to make sense even though I've only seen one prior Bourne movie? (The first one, when it came out, so long ago that I've forgotten most of it. I think I might have seen part of the second and given up from boredom, but it clearly wasn't very memorable because I'm not sure if I did or not!)

I finished mini_wrimo. I only set myself a 100 word a day goal, which was perfect - not so much that it scared me into not writing, but just enough that it would get me going and if I were in the mood I could keep going. I ended up writing just over 10,000 words, which isn't a huge amount (I've done that in a weekend), but it feels good.


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