Two Families

Nov 22, 2012 20:31

I know it's far from perfect, but this show just makes me happy. I'm glad it's focussing on the team, not on the rescues - there were, what, four rescues in this episode? So we didn't really get to care about the people being saved, but that doesn't matter, because they're creating such interesting and diverse characters, the job is just the background to them.

Things I loved, in no particular order:

Chief Boden taking Ernie under his wing, and Hermann giving such a shrewd assessment of the lad.

Severide spiralling further out of control, but still not at the stage where he's admitting it to himself.

More depth to Cruz this episode - we hadn't seen much of him before.

The meaning of 'Mouch'! And Mouch's deep resentment at his spot on the couch being taken.

Otis' podcast was sentimental, sure, but the sincerity shone through. He's rapidly becoming one of my favourites.

Hermann's scathing "With the kids up there?" to the meth cook. And then they just dragged the guy out.

Naming the turkey!

I'm glad the Clarice story wasn't a one-off thing - I've no idea where that storyline is going, and I love that uncertainty. I like the idea of a second chance too, so I'm rooting for Clarice and Leslie to make something of it this time.

Peter Mills! No moment in particular, I just like him. And Elise. And the continuing potential for Severide/Elise which they're not rushing, I'm glad to see. And the fact that Severide's team know about his little crush.

I continue to not-particularly-like Dawson - well-meaning or not, getting rid of Clarice like that was butting in on something that wasn't her business. And I don't really like the obvious way the show is heading towards breaking up Casey and Hallie. But, minor quibbles.

One big disappointment (though I'm crossing my fingers we'll get it next week instead) - I hoped that with Casey's life back on track, he'd see what was going on with Severide and try to help him. I'd really like to see some more of their friendship - after that teaser in the pilot, it's cruel not to give them airtime together!

fandom: chicago fire

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