'Tis the season

Sep 28, 2012 19:12

I've been going through people's Yuletide nominations and gleefully finding fandoms I can either offer to write, or look out for as treats if I'm a bit too scared to actually offer them. Damn, I love Yuletide, and it's fantastic having it start so nice and early. Plenty of flailing time!

I've narrowed my requests down to four I want equally (I try to make sure that I'll be equally happy whichever fandom gets picked, because it's awful if you're writing for someone who you can tell really wants a story in fandom A, and will be disappointed by anything else - been there, done that, it sucks, especially when fandom A is simply something you can. Not. Write. Oh, and while I'm talking about things that suck, god, people, please do not request nominated characters on the form and then say on your yuletide letter that what you really want is another character/pairing who wasn't nominated so you couldn't officially request!!! That is a really shitty thing to do to your assigned author, because guess what, they may be totally unable to write that character and stuck with the miserable options of writing something they know isn't what you really want, or writing something subpar.)

Okay, back to happy stuff.

My current picks are:
Being Friends (the first play in the Making Noise Quietly trilogy) - Robert Holman (Oliver Bell, Eric Faber)
The Custard Boys - John Rae and Glenn Chandler (John Curlew, Lewis Craig, Mark Stein, Jacob Freen)
A Sudden Wild Magic - Diana Wynne Jones, Philo, Tod, Zillah, Josh
The Gates, Nick Monohan, Dylan Radcliff

I have to cut these down to three, and that is paining me! Though as they're tricky ones, I did wonder if I should just pick more popular fandoms instead. Like relatively popular TV shows instead of obscure plays, one of DWJ's least popular books, and a TV show not many people watched! So this would be my alternate list (again, I'd be equally happy with any of these four, and enjoy gen or het or femslash):

Continuum (Kiera Cameron, Matthew Kellog)
Miss Fisher's Murder Mysteries (Phryne Fisher, Jack Robinson)
The Unusuals (Casey Shraeger, Jason Walsh)
Warehouse 13 (Myka Bering, Helena Wells)

The second option would make me way easier to match (they've all been nominated already I think), whereas there's a good chance that I'd actually be impossible to match on the first list! :-(

I am all a-dither!! What do I do?

Also, would someone be willing to read over my Yuletide letter when I finally get around to choosing? I want to make sure it's as useful/unscary as possible!


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