Porn Battle Amnesty/Fic site update/Common Law caps

Jul 16, 2012 20:31

Three fannish things.

The first - disappointed about the lack of a Porn Battle this month?
samuraiter is running Porn Battle - General Amnesty over at
pbam. You've the entire field of prompts from previous Battles to play with!

Second thing, which is probably only of interest to me: my fic site is up to date at last. I got a bit slack with it, but it's fun to see a list of the new fandoms I've written in (technically I've written more, just not finished them) over the last few months: Luther, Tintin, The Duchess of Malfi, Warm Bodies, Revenge and The Avengers (2012), so that's a British TV series, a comic book, a Jacobean play, a YA novel, an American TV series and a blockbuster movie. Nice and eclectic, just the way I like it!

And third thing, I made more Common Law caps.

1x08, Joint Custody - 1,435 caps (1280 x 720) - gallery | rar file

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comments there.

screencaps: common law, fandom: common law, challenge: porn battle, screencaps, challenge

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