Porn Battle XIV - Update

Jul 05, 2012 12:45

I've had a number of emails lately asking about the dates of the next Porn Battle. I'd really been hoping to post a definite date for the end of July, but due to various work and family issues, I've had to come to the unfortunate decision that I just can't run one this summer. I'm very sorry - I know it's disappointing for those of you who look forward to it.

Following on from that, after six wonderful years of holding it twice a year, it's now going to be an annual event. I'd rather run one super Porn Battle a year than make a half-arsed attempt at running two! So the next one will be in January 2013. And thinking of that, if anyone has a great idea for what to call Porn Battle XIV, please share!

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challenge: porn battle, challenge

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