Birthday thanks, recs and book recs request

Jan 30, 2012 20:19

innie-darling, deirdre-c and talitha78 - you made my birthday! Thank you for being so thoughtful and generous and wonderful.

Many thanks also to garryowen, kindness_says, rejeneration, shoshannagold, lapetite_kiki, tikiaceae, pheint and jensen_girl22 for the birthday wishes. ♥

I can share my gift from Dee, and trust me, if you love Sherlock, you want to see this. This vid is AWESOME!

Because I'm Awesome by deirdre_c [Sherlock, John, Sherlock, vid]
Please don't feel obliged to tell me that was remarkable or amazing, John's expressed that in every possible variant available to the English language.

And now, would you help me with book recs? I'm having a fun book buying spree, and I can't seem to find the little list I've been making of books I want! Vague ideas I have so far are:
The Magicians - Lev Grossman
To Say Nothing of the Dog - Connie Willis
Holding the Man - Timothy Conigrave (a play, not a fun book, but a play I'd definitely rec)

My favourite authors when I was a teenager were Hermann Hesse, Iris Murdoch, Franz Kafka and André Gide. I somehow missed the fun books transition from kids books to adults. So now (a couple of years on *cough*) I want the fun books. Adventures. And I want dragons. Preferably talking dragons.

Failing that, recs of fanfic with dragons or daemons would be much appreciated! If there's slash and UST and romance on the side, all the better! I'll start off with one daemons fic rec and one dragon fic rec:

A Method of Soul-Talking by antistar_e [The Demon's Lexicon/His Dark Materials, Nick, Alan, Mae, Jamie (Alan/Nick friendly but not explicit), 5,400 words]
Demons don't have daemons. Daemons are everything a demon is not: soul, light, language.

The One About Holy Nights by
mydocuments [American Idiot - Green Day/Armstrong/How to Train Your Dragon (2010), Tunny/Will, explicit, 1,880 words]
Yeah well, you left first. I left because I had to. You and Johnny just ran away.

birthday, recs, fandom: sherlock

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