Fall Fandom Free-For-All - those without gifts

Oct 24, 2011 19:09

We're just over half way through the Fall Fandom Free-For-All, and there's been some awesome gift-giving! There are still some people without offers of gifts, though, so if that's you, leave a comment here with a link to your request on the challenge post. Please only leave your details here if you have no offers, but have offered to make something for someone else. There are still far too many people who've made requests, but don't appear to be making gifts in return - just not on people, not on. ETA: Now open to anyone without a gift, even if you have a gift offered.

If you'd like to increase your chances of this post helping you get a gift, list your requests here along with the link to the original request, and if you want to add some new requests (no limit on number of new requests, other than what you can fit in the comments), you may.

Gift-makers, please make offers on the original post, not here.

Any questions, leave them on the questions post.

challenge: free-for-all, challenge

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