Fringe, American Idiot, Veronica Mars, Gilmore Girls and White Collar recs

Mar 02, 2011 22:24

I'd call this an insta-rec, but I've been meaning to rec it since last week... I'm back to sucking at posting again! So, the rec: gorgeous Lincoln/Olivia fic from vinylroad, with alt!Olivia backstory that feels so achingly right. OMG, this is so the fic I've been craving.

all your good intentions by vinylroad [Fringe, Olivia/Lincoln, minor alt!Olivia/Lincoln and alt!Olivia/alt!Charlie, R, 4,755 words]

Charlie ducks his head into Lincoln's office. He quirks an eyebrow at them. "Hey kiddos, enough with the foreplay. Astrid's got a lock on the shifter."

"I love it when you patronize me, Charlie. Gets me so hot," Lincoln quips, his hand leaving her leg and reaching for the gun resting on top of a pile of paper work, sliding it into the holster attached to his belt.

The grin Charlie shoots Lincoln is the sort that only he can get away with: a little shiteater, a little playful. "I know you supervisor types. You like to be topped."

Lincoln blows him a kiss.

You laugh. You've missed this.

Isn't that just a perfect little exchange - everything I love about that team.

American Idiot: there've been three lovely new Tunny/Will or Extraordinary Girl/Tunny/Will posted stories this week: Untitled by justaotherwitch and Keeping Time and its sequel Playing By Ear by sheveled.

And while I'm reccing, another couple of stories I've particularly loved recently:

A Strange New Story Every Time by gyzym [Veronica Mars, Logan/Veronica, NC-17, 19,295 words]
This is the Veronica Mars story I've been waiting for - several years on, both of them older and mostly wiser, and how it all pans out. Just perfect.

two dollars and nineteen cents worth by yourperiphery [Gilmore Girls, Dean/Rory, teen, 11,150 words]
And another canon pairing I wanted to see get their happy ending, and another story that just made me gleeful for how right it felt.

Dean laughs. "Well, she has had to do all the baby work for nine months. It's only fair that she gets a break."

"That's what she said."

"And," Dean practically hollers, because Miss Patty has taken over the karaoke machine and she's even louder than Kirk, "She already did it with you, so you probably owe her a little bit."

"She said that too."

"You should probably get her a bell. She can ring it when she requires ice cream."

Rory's eyes widen. "You do a startlingly good Lorelai," she said. "I forgot that about you."

Now, does anyone have any White Collar recs for me? I'm desperately craving well-written gen (or Neal/Peter UST or non-porny slash) casefile fic, a good con involving all the team. Anything like the wonderful Jeffrey Nullier's "Man With Fedora" by
sam_storyteller [White Collar, Neal, Peter, ensemble, PG, 17,630 words] would go down a treat.

Though honestly, it'd be hard to write anything more fun than the moment when Peter tells the office that they have to pretend Neal is Peter for the next hour. Peter's face. Everyone's reactions! Priceless!

fandom: american idiot, fandom: gilmore girls, fandom: white collar, recs, fandom: fringe

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