Porn Battle News: Simultaneous LJ and DW Battle & Chromatic Representation

Jan 10, 2011 21:54

New for 2011, two exciting things.

First of all, on a trial basis (which will be permanent if it works well), I'm hosting this Porn Battle simultaneously on Dreamwidth and Livejournal. I'll be duplicating all posts on both sites, including the prompt post and the entry post.

This means that you'll have the option of where to post. If you have a Dreamwidth account, you're probably best using that site, as the comment limit is far larger (longer stories, yay). If you don't have a Dreamwidth account, however, this will save you having to use open ID - you can post on the Livejournal post. You're not limited to one or the other (I'm hoping everyone will visit both sites), but please don't duplicate prompts/entries/questions on both sites.

I've revised the FAQ, so hopefully that should answer any questions, but if not, head over to either of the question posts.

Secondly, I've been in touch with the mods at
dark_agenda, and my plan is to do something similar to their work with
yuletide, and organise a list of chromatic prompts for people to work from and a link list of chromatic entries once the challenge is over. The aim is to see if we can increase the amount of representation for characters of colour in the Porn Battle. If you'd like to volunteer to help with this, details are over on the
dark_agenda community, here. I'm really excited about this!

Website | FAQ | Question post on Dreamwidth | Question post on Livejournal

This entry was originally posted at There are
comments there.

challenge: porn battle, challenge

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