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tikiaceae December 21 2010, 19:16:29 UTC
Nate's feeling guilty that he isn't a better superhero, that he can't do everything.

Only you, Nate. Only you.

I LOVE this verse. I could happily live in it and bask in the Brad/Nate-ness. \o/


oxoniensis December 21 2010, 22:51:04 UTC
Nate would always want to do more, you can bet your life on that!

So glad you like this verse, because I'm loving writing it!


tikiaceae December 21 2010, 22:56:23 UTC
Oh, awesome! Does that mean you'll be writing more of this verse??? Hint, hint. Nudge, nudge.


oxoniensis December 21 2010, 23:01:23 UTC
I'd really like to write more now, but I have my final Advent Calender GK fic to write, and I'm hopelessly stuck on it, so I need to get moving on that. But yeah, I have ideas (Nate point of view prequel, for example, before he comes out to Brad), and I'd love to write more.


tikiaceae December 21 2010, 23:08:36 UTC
YAY!!!!! That totally made my day. I can't wait!!! \o/\o/\o/


oxoniensis December 21 2010, 23:10:44 UTC
You can always pitch ideas at me! And I can run with those/one of those instead of the bonus advent calendar prompts (which I'd hoped to do by now, but I'm running out of steam this week, probably because work is proving exhausting).


tikiaceae December 21 2010, 23:26:26 UTC
Dude. Don't worry about the bonus fic! Seriously. I'm loving all these fics (of the fandoms I know) like they're ALL FOR MEEEEEEE!!! <3333

But *koff* if you're thinking about the fic ideas for this verse... I love me some h/c *koff* *nodnod* Yes...

I hope your work gets better. And well, it's holidays soon, right? PARTY TIME!!!! Not that I'm such a party animal or anything but apparently that's what people do during Christmas and New Year's time...


oxoniensis December 22 2010, 21:18:48 UTC
Hurt/comfort is always good - I shall ponder that one. Probably after the holidays though - once I've finished tomorrow's calendar (the 24th is done), I have yuletide and fandom_stocking and then I take a little break!

Work was waaaaaaaaaaaaaay better today. I even got to leave early! And I dug my car out of the snow and got some food from Tesco, so I have yummy food again!


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