Advent Calendar - pick a date

Nov 23, 2010 20:05

What the heck - I am throwing caution to the winds! Every year I wish I'd done an advent calendar, so this year I'm doing it. And if it all goes horribly wrong, I'm blaming lazy-daze for not stopping me. And fated_addiction for reminding me!

This is how it'll work if you'd like to play. You pick a date, and give me three (or more, but no less) separate prompts. I'll take one of your prompts and write a drabble/ficlet/make a wallpaper/make a little icon set/do something else, and post it on your chosen day. Prompts should be fandom, character or pairing, optional word/phrase/lyric/picture/poem, or you can give non-fannish prompts like seasons or colours or a song/poem/quote. I won't have time to do big things, but hopefully I should be able to manage one little thing per day.

Wednesday 1st December - pjvilar | Generation Kill or Sherlock (BBC) or Southland
Thursday 2nd December - laceymcbain | Leverage or Hawaii Five-0 or Castle
Friday 3rd December - vinylroad | Inception or Hawaii Five-0
Saturday 4th December - pau494 | Generation Kill, Brad/Nate
Sunday 5th December - pierhias | Supernatural or Leverage or Torchwood or tennis
Monday 6th December - lunatics_word | Generation Kill, Brad/Nate
Tuesday 7th December - misura | Chuck or Eureka or Supernatural
Wednesday 8th December - idrilka | Generation Kill, Brad/Nate
Thursday 9th December - vonilyn | Supernatural or Hawaii Five-0 or crazy mashup!
Friday 10th December - lazy-daze | Supernatural or White Collar
Saturday 11th December - nrrrdy_grrrl | Terminator
Sunday 12th December - hypertwink | Merlin or Hawaii Five-0 or Doctor Who
Monday 13th December - merkuria | Better off Ted or Star Trek reboot or White Collar
Tuesday 14th December - aurora_84 | Inception or Castle or White Collar
Wednesday 15th December - daisychain1957 | Supernatural
Thursday 16th December - curtana | Merlin or Sherlock Holmes (movie) or Star Trek (reboot)
Friday 17th December - setissma | White Collar or Supernatural
Saturday 18th December - kubis | Generation Kill, Brad/Nate
Sunday 19th December - summerstorm | Sherlock (BBC) or Castle
Monday 20th December - deirdre_c - Supernatural or Sherlock (BBC) or Star Trek (reboot) or Leverage or Modern Family
Tuesday 21st December - little_missmimi | Generation Kill, Brad/Nate or Stark Sands, dream
Wednesday 22nd December - such_heights | Doctor Who or White Collar
Thursday 23rd December - starlurker | Inception, Generation Kill or Merlin
Friday 24th December - locknkey | White Collar or Supernatural or Good Omens

eta: All dates gone!

Fandoms on offer: Generation Kill, Sherlock (BBC), Inception, Merlin, The Gates, Hawaii Five-0, Doctor Who, White Collar, Southland, Supernatural (season 1-4), Cabin Pressure, Star Trek (reboot), Gilmore Girls, Good Omens, Better off Ted, Chuck and Castle. Maybe Modern Family, Eureka, Leverage, Stargate Atlantis, Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles or Sherlock (movie). And of course Stark Sands (but only for arty things - no rpf here). You can always try prompting other fandoms you know I like, but make sure there's something from the list above as well, or something non-fannish, so I'm not completely stuck!

advent calendar

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