Porn Battle X - Ten Big Ones (dates)

Jun 24, 2010 21:26

Announcing the dates of Porn Battle X - Ten Big Ones!

Prompts: Monday 12th July - Thursday 15th July
Battle: Sunday 18th July - Sunday 25th July

You can follow it on Dreamwidth, on the website, and on AO31, and I'll be announcing the start of prompts and the battle here, so don't worry about missing it if you're not on Dreamwidth.

Thanks to the Anon for the subtitle suggestion. And calling all the regular volunteers - I hope you're up for a repeat! Everyone, you can start thinking up all the crazy hot pairings you want to prompt!

The keen-eyed might have noticed that it's eight days long, as against nine days for the last few - sorry about that, but I'm squeezing it in before I'm off on holiday. I have my priorities!

1 Archiving on Archive of Our Own will be optional again.

challenge: porn battle, challenge

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