If only all those moments were recorded and we could play them at will

Feb 17, 2010 21:03

Theatre's great when you get to see it. Not so great when you wish you could, but the moment's past, and you'll never have the chance. Here's a mini Stark Sands as Alex in Seagull in the Hamptons picspam, and four cast interviews.

picspam )

people: stark sands, picspam

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emerald_skies February 17 2010, 21:53:31 UTC
Words fail me that adequately describe how adorable I find these pics (especially the high school one *wibble*)


oxoniensis February 17 2010, 22:16:09 UTC
I'm mesmerized by your icon! You were saying?

I love how cute he looks smiling in the third picture.


emerald_skies February 17 2010, 22:48:00 UTC
LOL, it's okay, it mesmerizes me too sometimes. Your icon's not bad either, though o_o

The only thing missing from these is the ubiquitous camo hat (it warms the cockles of my fangirl Texan heart since so many guys I know wear the same kind).


oxoniensis February 17 2010, 23:03:34 UTC
Your wish is my command!

... )


emerald_skies February 17 2010, 23:08:09 UTC
OH MY GOD WHAT IS THIS PICTURE AND WHERE HAS IT BEEN ALL MY LIFE *dies laughing* I love how he never fails to take at least one wacky pic every once in a while.


oxoniensis February 17 2010, 23:11:08 UTC
It cracks me up! He definitely likes to ham it up for the camera sometimes! And he seems very excited about that grape stuff he's holding! *g*


emerald_skies February 17 2010, 23:14:40 UTC
I still love the ASkars photobomb pics of him the best, but that one's pretty damn funny. I had honest to God tears of mirth running down my face 'cause I wasn't prepared for that picture.


pois_chiche February 17 2010, 23:45:01 UTC
ASkars photobombs pics are awesome!


emerald_skies February 17 2010, 23:47:13 UTC
Ikr? I love the epic wacky pics that come from them hanging out together. My life would be complete if we could get some pics of Stark photobombing ASkars back (something tells me he'd be really good at it :P)


pois_chiche February 17 2010, 23:51:28 UTC
I love guys who are not afraid of being goofballs and do funny things...Him, Alex and Jon Huertas should photobomb one another...


emerald_skies February 17 2010, 23:52:28 UTC
Oh God, I'd love to see that. The lulz would be fantastic


pois_chiche February 17 2010, 23:55:17 UTC
It would be as epic as....welll...nothing has been more epic than a HUERTAS-SANDS-SKARSGARD MASSIVE PHOTOBOMB.


emerald_skies February 17 2010, 23:57:10 UTC
I need this concept in my life. I'm grinning like a loon just imagining them trying to out-goof each other.


exsequar February 18 2010, 03:49:55 UTC
So I'm a GK nooob (please see: don't have any icons yet! WOE) and I am delighted by the notion of ASkars photobombing. Do you perchance have any links to picspams where I may see such delightfulness, along with other examples? :D?


emerald_skies February 18 2010, 03:55:56 UTC
Enjoy, bb. You might have to join to see them, but I have a feeling you'll wanna join that group anyway :P


pois_chiche February 17 2010, 23:30:49 UTC
Oh Stark you are such a (hot) dork


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