If only all those moments were recorded and we could play them at will

Feb 17, 2010 21:03

Theatre's great when you get to see it. Not so great when you wish you could, but the moment's past, and you'll never have the chance. Here's a mini Stark Sands as Alex in Seagull in the Hamptons picspam, and four cast interviews.

picspam )

people: stark sands, picspam

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alethialia February 17 2010, 21:42:40 UTC
Oooh, thanks for posting these! I still like short-haired!Stark the best (you know me), but he is adorable with Morena there. And so wee in hs!

The Stark as Alex bit made me do a double-take. Heh.


oxoniensis February 17 2010, 22:09:40 UTC
We definitely have shared taste when it comes to his hair - Nate Fick hair, all the time!

I'm actually looking at Morena Baccarin's hair there and wondering if I could go for that style. Which is a fairly random comment seeing as you'd have no idea if it'd suit me or not! *g*

The Stark as Alex bit made me do a double-take. Heh.

It took me a minute to work out why! *g*


alethialia February 17 2010, 22:23:04 UTC
Hee! Morena's hair can be really cute, but it can also be really severe, depending on how she wears it.


oxoniensis February 17 2010, 22:34:36 UTC
I hadn't seen her with it short like this before, but it looks great in these pictures - possibly because she's smiling, and happiness makes everything look better.

Trouble with me is that I want a hairstyle that simultaneously makes me look sexy, cute, smart, fun, available, but-not-available-to-you, gamine, attractive, and is easy to maintain. Am I really asking that much?!


alethialia February 17 2010, 22:51:50 UTC
Gee, it shouldn't inspire world peace, too? In that case, your request is downright reasonable.


oxoniensis February 17 2010, 22:58:32 UTC
If my hairstyle made public appearances, then yes, inspiring world peace would be desirable. But as it is, my list was really all I wanted (well, I'd like it to make my thighs look longer, but that's a tough job for a hair style, so I'm not asking for that). And considering what I pay my hairdresser, I think it's perfectly reasonable. I'm glad you agree!


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