Supernatural 5x05 - Fallen Idol

Oct 09, 2009 11:16

Came home last night to such a lovely treat! An absolutely gorgeous cover for the ebb and the flow, made for me by sci8fi.

And now for Supernatural.

That was EXACTLY what I needed. A stand-alone hunt, lots of fun, plus Sam and Dean actually talking and sorting things out between them. For a while it felt almost like early Sam and Dean, which felt good, but it turned out way better than that. Season 5 Sam and Dean looks set to be the two of them being honest, admitting where they've screwed up, and working out what they need to do to work together. And that's what I've wanted all along. It didn't need hugs or gushy moments, just some honest admissions and both of them listening to the other.

The geekgasms, Dean being whaled on by Paris Hilton, Sam admitting his hero was a fruitarian, both of them in suits for half the episode, all just icing on the yummy cake.

Screencaps. 1251, high res, 1280x720, manually capped.

[single zip file OR zip file part 1 | zip file part 2 | gallery ]

I've zipped the 'SOON' section separately, and given it its own gallery, for those who haven't seen it and don't want to be spoiled. PLEASE, I capped it, but it's all I know about what's coming up, so please don't spoil me for anything else!

[ Season 5 preview: single zip file | gallery ]


Dean geeking out over that car was so adorable!

The furrowed brow.

Love the little smile.

Furrowed brow, Dean's turn.

The bruised nail looks genuine.

My teabreak's over, so if I've cocked up any coding, let me know and I'll fix it when I can.

screencaps: supernatural, fandom: merlin, screencaps, fandom: supernatural

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