Supernatural 5x04 - The End

Oct 02, 2009 12:12

Happy birthday, zooey-glass04! Have a wonderful one!

Gah, I loved this so much. We make our own future. Yes. YES!

Random things I loved. I loved Walt to the rescue (ha, GK fans, I saw the gun turret and had a happy crossover moment), and Dean's fond memories of the pink satin (or silk, can't remember, no time to double-check) panties, and Castiel standing by the side of the road to wait, and the Croatoan arc follow-through (so that's why Sam's immunity was so important, if he was going to be Lucifer's vessel) and JA's depiction of older Dean (just that bit more tired and hard and worn down and deeper voiced *g*), and JP's acting as Lucifer (so very reasonable and sad and longing, so certain he's right and that Dean should listen to him, soft almost, no aggression, just utter conviction), and most of all I loved that Dean finally realised that while he and Sam might be each other's Achilles' heel, they still need to be together. Hoorah! This is Supernatural at its best.

Just one more random thought: President Palin!!! Argh, definitely the scariest moment yet on Supernatural!

Screencaps. 1180, high res, 1280x720, manually capped.

[single zip file OR zip file part 1 | zip file part 2 | gallery ]




screencaps: supernatural, screencaps, fandom: supernatural

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