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Comments 3569

Requests! annabeth September 16 2009, 20:55:52 UTC
1. Fic: Supernatural, Good Omens crossover. Please, include Sam/Dean -- anything else is fine. I'd kind of like to see how Crowley, Aziraphale, Adam etc react to the current state of affairs (i.e. Apocalypse) in SPN.

2. Fic: Supernatural: Dean/Mary (or Sam/Mary if you really prefer). AU (obviously) filthy hot porn? Please? It can be PWP or have an actual reason why, but I just want to see them doing it. (And okay, not gonna lie, pregnancy!kink would be awesome. Either trying to get Mary pregnant, or she already is with Dean or Sam's baby.)

3. Fic: Supernatural: Sam/Dean. This is probably a hard one, but Sam/Dean watersports + sounding? I'd like to see the boy who has to piss with the sound in his dick, and trying to piss with it held in place (Dean on the bottom -- with the sound in his cock -- would be lovely!)

4. Fic: Supernatural: Sam/Lanie. Size-differential kink, plus power-imbalance kink (he was so much older and looking after her safety like a parent might!)

5. Fic: Supernatural: Sam/Ruby (please Ruby from s4). ( ... )


Re: Requests! lazy_daze September 16 2009, 22:34:06 UTC
Man, you designed that for me, right?? I gotta try watersports + sounding. Might take me a few days, I'm being a bit slow with writing at the moment, but. YEAH!!


Re: Requests! annabeth September 16 2009, 22:39:28 UTC
OMGGG Pleaseeeeee. <3! Take forever! I just gotta see this and it's YOU which makes me GLEE. &hearts!


Re: Requests! lazy_daze September 29 2009, 20:45:43 UTC
Finally!! :D I hope it's at least close to what you wanted. <3


merihn September 16 2009, 21:06:28 UTC
Oooh, stealing this from the person below me: (Note: I am always happy to have links to pre-existing things that meet my requests left, so please feel free!)1. Fic: Bandom (Cobra Starship/The Academy Is...), Gabe Saporta/William Beckett, crazy AU. I leave the premise up to you, but I do love a good fantasy, or work AU. It can include anyone and everyone from bandom, if it so pleases the author. *grins ( ... )


earthquakedream September 16 2009, 21:54:58 UTC
I can try number four, since I owe you fic anyways. ;)


merihn September 16 2009, 21:58:00 UTC
YAY! I didn't really give much choice for SPN here... bandom has entirely EATEN MY BRAIN. *sigh* But yay! I'd utterly LOVE anything you write.


#10 bunnymcfoo September 17 2009, 03:36:54 UTC

... )


innie_darling September 16 2009, 21:14:54 UTC
Hooray! I was so pleased last time by the stuff I was able to make, and the glorious bounty I got in return!

(Note: I am always happy to have links to pre-existing things that meet my requests left, so please feel free!)

(1) FIC: Psych - anything gen and snarky like the show, hopefully focusing mostly on Gus and Shawn (at any age), though I do love it when Gus and Henry get to interact. Possibly something with Uncle Jack?

(2) FIC: Chuck - what I really want is to see season 3 already! But fic in the vein of the show - canon pairings preferred here - would be fantastic. I'd really love a casefile of some kind here.

(3) FIC: Supernatural - happy Dean!

(4) FIC: The Middleman - Wendy and MM solve another exotic problem.

(5) MOODTHEME: Arrested Development - throw in anybody and everybody! Rita, Mrs. Fingerbottom, T-Bone, and the wonderful Bluths (and Funkes ( ... )


earthquakedream September 16 2009, 21:52:53 UTC
I can try the happy!Dean fic. Any specifications on pairings? Is Dean/OMC okay?


innie_darling September 16 2009, 22:08:20 UTC
I adore Dean/OMC! No specifications - Dean at any age, genuinely happy. (I prefer non-Wincest, and since you already said OMC, it sounds like that's where you're going with this, so yay!)


earthquakedream September 17 2009, 00:08:27 UTC
That's why I suggested it! I love your Dean/Ben series. :D


earthquakedream September 16 2009, 21:40:28 UTC
1. A stock icon with my username on it. I want something picturesque, preferably with mountains, can be colorful or not. Similar to my default icon but not the same since it was made my someone else.

2. Fic: Supernatural - Sam/Dean/Castiel that starts out Sam/Castiel and contains a lot of hurt!Sam. It doesn't have to be all happy, but I would prefer a happy ending. And porn! With some double penetration even. I like bottom!Sam, but anything is good.

3. Wallpaper: Supernatural - Sam/Dean/Castiel, dark colors, 1280x800. I'd prefer no manips, definitely has to be safe-for-work.

4. Art: For mine and hd_obsession's J2 RPS AU: free hugs 'verse! here!. Again, no manips please, but anything else goes ( ... )


Will fill #1 oxoniensis September 16 2009, 21:45:59 UTC
Not tonight, as I'm in the middle of a ton of other things, but I'll make you a mountains icon with your name on.


Re: Will fill #1 earthquakedream September 16 2009, 21:49:31 UTC
Thank you so much!


#1 - icons oxoniensis September 17 2009, 20:45:34 UTC
I'm sorry, I struggled with these - text isn't my strong point, and it's a long name to fit on! I've tried a few variations, so I'll just cross my fingers you like one of them. Or, failing that, maybe someone else will try and be more successful!

... )


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#8 annabeth September 16 2009, 22:17:31 UTC
Ooh, I wanna try #8. But I might suck at it, just so you know. :>

Oh and it might be awhile. :P


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Re: #8 annabeth September 16 2009, 22:22:45 UTC
I will do my best! :D Like I said, might take me a few days though (drowning under kink_bigbang!)


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