April 2009 fic roundup

May 01, 2009 16:40

I should have got this up before I posted my coda this afternoon (what's with me and codas this season? - I can't seem to stop writing them). At the moment there are a couple of stories only on Dreamwidth, but I've sort of provisionally decided (see how I give myself room to change my mind) that I'll crosspost fiction for the time being. Also, I'm trying to work out who on my list for DW invites still needs one, so if you asked me for one on my post a while back, and still need one, let me know!

jizz in my book [Supernatural, Dean/Sam, R, 780 words, coda to 4.18, The Monster at the End of this Book, April 2009]
"That fucking Chuck. I don't care how many fucking archangels he's got looking after him, I'm gonna fucking kill him. I'm gonna make him eat his words, and then I'm gonna kill him."

they care, so I don't have to [Better Off Ted, Ted, Veronica, Lem, Phil, Linda, Rose, PG, 2,820 words, spoilers up to 1x03, April 2009]
Veronica is standing on her head when Ted walks in her office. 'Do you need a moment?' he asks, distracted by her calves. She really does have fine calves.

a girl named hotel [Dollhouse, Echo, OFC, G, 430 words. No spoilers. April 2009]
There's something missing.

a fork in the road [Caprica, Daniel, Joseph, gen/pre-slash, G, 1,310 words, spoilers for the pilot, April 2009]
"We have to find our own paths and follow them wherever they lead. We're adventurers. We always have been, always will. We need to know, need to find new quests and ask new questions whenever we answer old ones. If we stopped, we wouldn't be humans any more."

the perfect mojito [Burn Notice, Michael/Victor, PG-13, 653 words.Sort of a coda to 'slow boat to cuba', though it stands alone. April 2009]
"You really are crazy, aren't you," Michael says, not unkindly.

The Prince's New Clothes aka The Camelot Job [Merlin/Leverage, Arthur/Merlin, Leverage team, R, 6,265 words, April 2009]
In which there are some unexpected sartorial choices...

my best friend is a horse [Merlin/Leverage, Arthur/Merlin, Parker, Eliot, G, 743 words, April 2009]
Merlin follows Arthur into the ruins. Naturally. He always follows Arthur-- into battle, into bed, into the twenty-first century. And now into the ruins of a castle that hadn't even been built when he was born. His life is weird.

slow boat to cuba [Burn Notice, Michael/Victor, NC-17, 5,866 words, AU coda to 2.16 Lesser Evil, April 2009.]
"I'm actually debating whether strangling you would be more satisfying than whatever you're planning. Strangling you is gaining points by the minute," Victor says pleasantly.

roundup, dreamwidth

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