Merlin/Leverage fic: The Prince's New Clothes aka The Camelot Job

Apr 19, 2009 15:48

Title: The Prince's New Clothes aka The Camelot Job
Fandom: Merlin/Leverage
Pairing: Arthur/Merlin, guest appearances by the Leverage team
Rating: R
Word count: 6,265 words
Notes: Thanks to sparky77 for the super speedy beta. Based on a fable. The story requires a working knowledge of Merlin canon, but no knowledge of Leverage.

In which there are some unexpected sartorial choices... )

fandom: leverage, fandom: merlin, fiction: crossover, fiction: merlin, fiction: leverage, fiction

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epona34 April 19 2009, 17:02:02 UTC
I just love how you manage to integrate Leverage in the Merlin universe.
Thanks for sharing!


oxoniensis April 19 2009, 18:11:00 UTC
Thank you! Now I've taken the Leverage team back, and brought Arthur and Merlin forward - clearly I'm determined to make them meet! *G*


epona34 April 20 2009, 08:36:03 UTC
Really? I so want to read that... Hope you will post it soon.


oxoniensis April 20 2009, 20:39:38 UTC
I posted it the other day, just on my dreamwidth journal because it was a quick ficlet, nothing fancy. :-)

my best friend is a horse


epona34 April 20 2009, 23:11:22 UTC
Went there and read it... Thanks for sharing. I can't believe Merlin isn't taking advantage of Arthur's naivety. I thought for sure he would mock him a
Very sweet. Will you write more?


epona34 April 20 2009, 23:12:53 UTC
2nd posting as the first one wasn't complete...

Went there and read it... Thanks for sharing. I can't believe Merlin isn't taking advantage of Arthur's naivety. I thought for sure he would mock him a little (maybe a lot)... After all it's not as if Arthur never called him an idiot...
Very sweet. Will you write more?


oxoniensis April 23 2009, 20:34:28 UTC
Oh, I feel sure there will be lots of mockery in Arthur's future! Lots of it!! Little reminders whenever Arthur starts to mock Merlin about anything, and then Arthur's going to flush and Merlin will crack up!

I'm always writing more! Just not on this particular story - I did vaguely think of telling it from the Leverage team point of view, but I don't think it's necessary. Plus I'm writing way too many other fics at the moment already!


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