Porn Battle VII (The Seven Deadly Sins) - round up

Feb 08, 2009 14:51

The Porn Battle site is finally up-to-date! Over 1,200 pornlets from the seventh battle, which is just WOW!

A couple of stats for the curious: there are a grand total of 274 fandoms represented (plus bandom, real person fiction and fandoms only appearing in the crossover section), and this year the 'winning' fandom is...

Merlin, with 51 entries! Well done newbie fandom! Merlin managed to knock Stargate Atlantis (48 entries) off the top slot for the first time in ages. Supernatural came a brave third, with 44 entries.

I'm not sure who managed to write the most pornlets. Did anyone beat scoob2222 and merihn's impressive 21 entries each?

A huge thank you to beet, infinimato, aliyaskie, miss_universe93 and jane_lane18 for helping me out with coding links yesterday - I couldn't have done it without you guys!

For those of you who're on a roll and want to keep on going, you've got a porny or non-porny options. rounds_of_kink are taking prompts now, as is the Gen Battle, and there's also comment_fic with regular challenges. Or if you're in need of inspiration at any time, why not dip into the prompts page and see what inspires you.

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challenges, challenge: porn battle

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