Supernatural 4x13 - After School Special

Jan 30, 2009 15:02

I am SO far behind on answering comments - sorry! I'll try to catch up a bit over the weekend, though I think I might have gone past the point of ever being totally able to catch up!

Oh, WOW, that is definitely up there with my all time favourite episodes. (It'd be a slot or two higher if it weren't for the hand in blender scene - urgh - but that was the only moment in the entire episode that didn't ROCK).

I've been aching for more of a glimpse into Dean and Sam's childhood, and this was my dream come true. And being unspoiled for this was fantastic - eeeeeee, the joy of seeing the first flashback!

Three schools by November. Sam desperate to fit in and not be the freak, but at the same time instantly taking the picked on kid under his wing. Even back then having enough assurance and presence to stare down a bully. Dean hating being pitied, hating someone seeing his life and feeling sorry for him - far too proud to deal with that.

Dean's reaction, both present day and past, to Sam getting beaten up - he can't take anyone hurting Sam.

I loved the shots in the corridor panning around Sam past and present. In fact all the links were beautifully done. And so many loving shots of the Impala too.

I loved the way Sam carefully held the girl who'd stabbed him after he'd got rid of Dirk's ghost from her.

Sam being called a midget! He grew!!

Present day Sam learning what Dirk's life was really like, sitting there listening to Dirk's father, feeling so guilty. Sam's sadness at Barry killing himself, wishing he'd been able to do something. His declaration to Dirk that he's not evil, all the guilt and sadness in that.

Even though we didn't see Papa Winchester, it still felt like he was present, somehow. Sam saw him as 'driven' in his essay. And hero worshipped Dean, of course.

The moment Sam's eyes are opened to the idea of not having to go into the family business. And oh, the ending: "Are you happy, Sam?" I think that broke me.

I'm so pleased they kept Colin Ford for young Sam, because he just owns that role! Perfect!!

They brought the funny as ever too. Dean in those shorts, and that glorious pan up his body! "FYI, three of the cheerleaders are legal. Guess which ones." "No." Dean's watched Dead Poets Society! "He's giving you the full cowgirl."

So much love! I'm sure I've missed out something wonderful, because there were just so many moments.

eta: can anyone point me to some high res promos of the episode? All I can find are small images, and I'm a little scared to look in some places for fear of getting spoiled for future episodes. Got them! ♥

Screencaps. 1,251, high res, 1280x720, manually capped.

[zip 1 (eta: a new zip, as the first one was corrupted) | zip 2 | zip 3 ] [ gallery ]

Picspam. With no gory bits.

Sam looking pretty.

Dean looking pretty.

The Impala looking pretty!

I bet Dean missed it when Sam no longer literally looked up to him.

That pan up shot deserved to be shown in its full glory!

screencaps: supernatural, screencaps, fandom: supernatural

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