Porn Battle VII (The Seven Deadly Sins)

Jan 25, 2009 18:48

Porn Battle VII (The Seven Deadly Sins) IS A GO

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challenge: porn battle, challenge

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I’ll tell you on the way, Psych, Gus/Shawn, forethought black_eyedgirl January 28 2009, 05:01:11 UTC
Shawn learnt, long ago, that the important thing is not having a goal, or a life-plan, or anything else they told you that you needed in the self-help seminars (Shawn once spent two weeks reviewing them for a magazine titled ‘National Wellbeing’). No, the important thing is to always be just one step ahead. Of everyone: the police, his father, employers, potential sex-buddies… Any more than one step, and life got boring fast. One step, and you always had the element of surprise.

Of course, Shawn has the element of surprise over Gus more often that not. Gus is surprised to find the blow-up llama in the front of his car, he is surprised to find the door of his apartment open and he is (still) surprised to find Shawn sitting on his couch.

“Shawn! What the hell are you doing here?”


“Celebrating what?”

“A case well-solved?”

“Not only do we not know where the money is, we don’t know who stole it, how they broke in, or why the only clue is-”

“Well, that’s where the llama comes in, but I’ll explain that part later. First, we celebrate. The case is solved, we can call it in tomorrow morning.”

“Why can’t we call it in now?”

“Because the chief sent Iris to her folks tonight, and I really don’t want to be the one who interrupts her evening with her husband, how about you?”

Gus shudders, and it gives Shawn the moment he needs. Gus is, Shawn will concede, more than usually surprised by Shawn leaping over the back of the couch to kiss him.

Shawn thinks, baby, you ain’t seen nothing yet. And now he has Bachman-Turner Overdrive for his porn soundtrack, which surprises even him. He laughs at the novelty, and Gus smiles back at him.

Shawn hadn’t known for sure he was going to kiss Gus until he had seen him walk in with the llama under his arm. And he hadn’t known he was going to unbutton Gus’s fly until he saw the smile. Gus has an extensive variety of perfectly formed, dental-plan assisted smiles, and a number reserved exclusively for Shawn. This one is somewhere between ‘hey, that was a pretty good surprise, Shawn’ and ‘we almost had a moment there’.

Except Shawn’s pretty sure this is an actual moment, not an almost one. So he looks to Gus for permission, with his hand halfway into Gus’s pants, and gives up the advantage for a second.

Gus slides his hand into Shawn’s hair, and pulls them back to kissing. Pulls them close enough together that there’s barely room for air, let alone Shawn’s hand. Shawn winces, and drags Gus down with him onto the couch. He brings a lot of experience to this part of the equation, and it’s easy to get them around so he’s sitting in Gus’s lap.

Friction, friction, friction, heat; Shawn slides out of his jeans, tossing them onto the floor. Gus’s pants are a trickier proposition, as they have to get out from underneath Gus, Shawn, and Shawn’s hand, which is caught in the belt loop. Gus patiently untangles him, and impatiently wriggles beneath him. “Shawn.”


“You planned farther than semi-nakedness, right?”

“I’ll have you know I planned at least as far as full nakedness.” Shawn demonstrates, unbuttoning Gus’s (pink) shirt, and pulling off his t-shirt. Skin to skin is way better. But he hesitates, again, with his hand in Gus’s boxers.

“Shawn,” Gus says again, quietly now.


“You need something?”

“Is this okay?”

“We’re sitting on my couch at eight pm, mostly naked by this point, and I’m missing American Duos. If it wasn’t, you don’t think I would have mentioned before now?”

Shawn shrugs, and Gus sighs. Gus slides his hand round from the small of Shawn’s back, and into the little space between their bodies. He wraps his hand around Shawn’s cock, and rubs.

Shawn wouldn’t like to call the noise he makes a ‘squeak’, but if he was forced to testify in court… Gus smirks. “This is okay, Shawn. Now I need you to dig in and use that brain of yours, the one you’re always bragging about? What happens next?”

Yeah, Shawn’s fairly optimistic about the next couple of steps of this plan. He knows his next move and, after all, Gus can always help out if he needs to improvise. Shawn lifts Gus’s hand carefully out of the way, braces his hands over Gus’s shoulders on the back of the couch, and shifts his weight forward. This time, Gus is totally the one who squeaks.


Re: I’ll tell you on the way, Psych, Gus/Shawn, forethought ficwize January 28 2009, 05:25:59 UTC
Hot, loved this, LOVED Gus!


Re: I’ll tell you on the way, Psych, Gus/Shawn, forethought khirsah January 28 2009, 21:22:58 UTC
This was PERFECT. You got the zany feel of the show and perfectly nailed their voices. Great work.


Re: I’ll tell you on the way, Psych, Gus/Shawn, forethought black_eyedgirl February 2 2009, 21:23:01 UTC
That was my first go with the fandom, so that's great to hear, thanks :)


Re: I’ll tell you on the way, Psych, Gus/Shawn, forethought black_eyedgirl February 2 2009, 21:21:46 UTC
*g* Gus is fab. Glad you liked!


(The comment has been removed)

Re: I’ll tell you on the way, Psych, Gus/Shawn, forethought black_eyedgirl February 2 2009, 21:25:35 UTC
*g* I have only recently entered the fandom, but I've been hearing this, yeah! Glad you liked :D


Re: I’ll tell you on the way, Psych, Gus/Shawn, forethought pocky_slash January 28 2009, 06:18:39 UTC
Oh my gosh! Okay, first of all, I firmly believe the world needs 200% more Shawn/Gus, at least and this is a good step in the right direction! Also, I am watching Psych right now and, oh, my heart, I love these two. ♥

That being said, this was hilarious and hot and made me both laugh and go "awwww!" over and over again. I loved Gus taking over at the end and... awww. It's so them :D Great job!


Re: I’ll tell you on the way, Psych, Gus/Shawn, forethought black_eyedgirl February 2 2009, 21:35:31 UTC
:) I'm fairly open in my Psych shipping right now (just started watching) but I remembered reading somewhere that there was too little Shawn/Gus, so it seemed like a good start. Plus: very very cute *G*

Thanks for commenting!


Re: I’ll tell you on the way, Psych, Gus/Shawn, forethought misura January 28 2009, 21:00:10 UTC
Gah - these two are just so ... squeal-inspiring! Loved the blow-up llama, and Shawn's approach to life, romance and everything. <3


Re: I’ll tell you on the way, Psych, Gus/Shawn, forethought black_eyedgirl February 2 2009, 21:38:43 UTC
Aw, thank you. They're so much fun to write!


Re: I’ll tell you on the way, Psych, Gus/Shawn, forethought trixxanna January 30 2009, 08:10:37 UTC
so very Shawn ^_^


Re: I’ll tell you on the way, Psych, Gus/Shawn, forethought black_eyedgirl February 2 2009, 21:40:20 UTC
*g* Thank you!


Re: I’ll tell you on the way, Psych, Gus/Shawn, forethought trascendenza December 30 2009, 03:39:24 UTC
Oh, this is great -- I love their back and forth, and I could totally hear them speaking in my head.

“You planned farther than semi-nakedness, right?”

“I’ll have you know I planned at least as far as full nakedness.”


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