Friday Night Lights ficlet: I don't wanna be lonely tonight

Jan 06, 2009 19:06

I don't wanna be lonely tonight [Friday Night Lights, Landry/Tyra, PG-13, post 3x11, 304 words.]

"I'm goin' to treat you right," Landry says, and she smiles at that because of course he will, no matter what. It's what she loves about him, and what scares her most, because when the hell did a Collette ever pick a real good guy, the right guy, and get to keep him, and why should she be any different?

He kisses her, and it's soft and sweet, first time kisses all over again, innocent, and Tyra's not been innocent since eighth grade, and his hand touches her so hesitant, like he doesn't really believe it's happening. It's enough to make her cry, but smart as he is, she doesn't think he'd understand. So she kisses him dirty instead, because that's better than crying.

She just wants one thing to go right, is all. And she's fond of him, maybe she's in love with him even - she could be, there's an ache in her belly when she's near him that she's never felt before, and maybe that's what love feels like, pain that isn't quite pain - but if she could pick that one thing, it'd be college, hands down, no second guessing. Maybe that's selfish, and she's selfish, but there ain't nobody handing things on a platter to Tyra.

"Landry, I-" she says, and "shhh," he says, hushing her with more kisses like he knows what she's going to say and doesn't want to hear it. She was only gonna say she thought they should move it to her bedroom seeing as he's got his hand up under her bra and her hand is in his pants. But underneath she was thinking all those other things, and maybe they'd have come out if he hadn't shushed her.

She just wishes she could believe it will last, something this good, this sweet and wonderful.


fandom: friday night lights, fiction: friday night lights, fiction

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