Moar recs/writing meme/yuletide guessing

Dec 30, 2008 19:17

+ I've only read a fraction of the yuletide stories so far, dipping here and there at random. Apparently I can't take time off work for essentials like yuletide reading. Boo.

Life in the Subjunctive by anon [Dead Poets Society, ensemble, PG, 1,023 words]
"Sometimes," Neil says and watches as the stationery finally comes to roost in a loose parabola on the snow-drifted lawn.
"Sometimes what?"
Neil just shakes his head.
A series of possibilities - beautiful language, and touching little stories.

Does the heart still crave the spot it yearned on? by anon [Edith Wharton - The House of Mirth, Lawrence, Lily, PG, 1,752 words]
"This is a peculiar conversation," Lily remarked, pulling her eyes up from the stony edges of the walkway and back to his face. "You seem to know so much about me when I, circumspectly, know almost nothing about you. Are you in love with me?"
A fascinating glimpse of the early days of their relationship.

Lateral Entry Program by anon [Flashpoint, Jules, team, PG, 2,192 words]
The thing was, Jules wasn't worried about how she'd do on the team.
Very nice little pre-series fic, looking at Jules first day on the team.

The Ultimate Fate of those Gerbils by anon [Fringe, Walter, Olivia, Peter, Astrid, PG-13, 1,194 words]
"In my original experiments, at least one out of every three test subjects survived." Astrid blanches. "...Which is precisely why I am introducing an organic buffer to reduce the variability of the transfer rate." "Organic buffer?" Olivia asks. "Indeed." He claps his hands. "Asterope, my dear, fetch the gerbils!"
A great balance of emotions here, pitch perfect dialogue and wacky science.

Lloyd's Still Got Them Polaroids by anon [Life, Tidwell/Dani, PG-13, 1,561 words]
So. He's got this problem, see, and it basically comes down to the fact that he has difficulty catching words that fall from his mouth. Sometimes Dani gets this look on her face like she's going to do him harm and it sets him ticking, but that gets him into the kind of trouble that makes her turn tail and walk the other way. Goddamn, but she's hot. The word he wants is 'firecracker' but he doesn't say it out loud. She'd probably shoot him if he did.
Perfect Tidwell voice.

a happy ending cannot come in the middle of the story by anon [L M Montgomery - Emily series, Emily/Teddy, G, 2,526]
I shall always end my stories happily. I don't care whether it's 'true to life' or not. It's true to life as it should be and that's a better truth than the other.
A fitting continuation to the Emily stories (which always were my favourites).

Merlin, Arthur and Sir Damas by anon [Merlin, Merlin, Arthur, PG, 2,299 words]
It wasn't the worst dungeon imaginable. The bare stone walls could be cheerier, and it would be nice to have a bit more light, but at least the straw was nice and fresh. "I think they've changed it since the last prisoner," he said.
He heard something snap. Hopefully just a stray twig. "Merlin," said Arthur, "I don't care about the straw."
Cute Merlin point of view adventure story. A few Americanisms in the dialogue, but fun anyway.

Gusnapped! by anon [Psych, Shawn/Gus, PG, 2,720 words]
"Gus is missing." Juliet raises an eyebrow. "He is? Since when?" "Since this morning," Shawn whines. If Shawn whined. Which he doesn't. He's totally not a whiner. Gus is the whiner. Shawn needs his whiner back. "Okay, Shawn, it's only 11:30am. It's still morning." "Really? My stomach totally said it was lunchtime. It's the stress; stress makes me eat."
Aww, Shawn! Hilarious and sweet.

Laying In by anon [Shelter, Shaun/Zach, Cody, R, 4,518 words]
For his first piece of work that year, Zach takes a canvas the size of the wall, and puts Cody in the centre of it. Then he and Shaun, and then Jeanne in the car, driving away.
A lovely, natural progression from the movie.

bodies in motion by anon [Shelter, Shaun/Zach, Cody, PG-13, 1,656 words]
Zach's not sure when he stops counting days, he just does.
Another good post-movie story.

Names, Navigation, and Other Issues Arising on the Caspartine by anon [Stardust, Skinny/Shakespeare, PG-13, 5,130 words]
No one uses their real name aboard the Caspartine.
Such a delightful story from the point of view of the first mate.

+ I'm curious enough to give in and do that writing meme. So, if you could make me writing anything, anything at all, what would it be? No limits!

+ No one has tried to guess my yuletide stories this year, and I am very sad. I'm offering bribes, folks! A drabble for one right, a ficlet for two, a story for three, and if you get all four, well... As a small clue, I was uploader number 193 for my official (fairly long) story, 352 for my long bonus story, 1859 for a teeny treat, and 2012 for a last minute treat. One of them is really easy to guess, two are not too hard with a bit of thought, and the last minute treat no one will guess!

eta: is anyone else not getting comment notification again? I'm having to track my own posts to get comment emails.

challenge: yuletide, writing, recs

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