Bit and pieces

Dec 08, 2008 18:30

I'm on my second yuletide story now (finished my assigned one on Saturday, so that's at beta), and it's going ridiculously well. I don't want to jinx myself or anything, but I've never written this fast in my life! It's sheer bliss! Except for the bit where I can barely tear myself away to do other things, so I probably won't be very good at concentrating on anything else until this is written. Or taking part in love memes - you'll just have to pretend I'm a guy and love you anyway, even if I'm crap at saying it.

Anyway, not here (just) to gloat about my productivity. Some general info stuff. The next three things are all related, because I've cut back my popullus website so all that's left up there are auto-transfer pages.

My old email address, the popullus one, no longer works. So it's the gmail one only now (though I have a back up one on yahoo for emergencies, just can't remember what it is exactly).

I've finally moved all the challenge sites I host over to So the new links are: Vice Versa Challenge, Metamorphosis - The Transformation Challenge, Smallville Swing Challenge, and The Intoxication Challenge. I've put transfer pages up for a couple of longer stories from those challenges, but if I didn't put one up for your story and you'd like me to, just let me know.

Also have finally given up on the idea of keeping my old fiction website going - I loathe coding, so kept on putting off updating it. I was about two years behind. Yeah. So I've set myself up a nice and simple one page website which links to all my LJ fiction posts. I might expand it a bit sometime, but for now it does the job, and it's a doddle to keep up-to-date. No use if LJ goes down, but eh, can't have everything.

I seem to be getting comment notifications again, but I haven't had a backlog arrive, so it's possible I missed getting some over the last couple of weeks - if I've ignored anything important, nudge me.

My computer has had a couple of spells of making nasty noises, so I ordered a 1TB external HD, and now have everything safely backed up. Now I need to decide if it's worth looking around in the sales, or if I should just wait until it dies (which might not be for ages). Which I mention apropos of nothing in particular.

challenge: yuletide, website, challenge

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