Rec, links and questions

Mar 11, 2008 21:25

I haven't actually forgotten how to post, I'm just a bit weirdly disconnected at the moment. Sort of in general, not just fannish stuff. Think I might just be over-tired, but I have holiday time coming up, and I'm going skiing over Easter (I'm already avidly checking out snow conditions), so I'm hoping I'll find my groove again soon.

Anyway, I have a few good things to link, and a couple of questions.

First of all, a_fallen_sister (who I adore more than I can say), has posted You Promised. It's a beautiful line illustration to a first-time ficlet I wrote a while back, and she's drawn that first moment, Dean against the wall, Sam with his hand in Dean's jeans, foreheads touching and eyes closed. Guh.
You Promised by a_fallen_sister [Supernatural, Dean/Sam, NSFW]

I don't read much Torchwood fic, mostly because I need Gwen and Ianto to sound Welsh, and not many writers manage that. Here's a story, with a really cool rift-related plot, that gets them spot on.
Nemo Me Impune Lacessit by derryderrydown [Torchwood, Jack/Ianto, team, R, 6,601 words]

tvm and I have been plotting and planning all sorts of extras over on 100_ghosts, ways to make it a more varied and exciting challenge. We're now having 'extra credit' episode coda challenges along side the regular phrase prompts, and special prompt weeks (which we've already got lots of ideas for). So, if you're feeling a bit jaded about writing, or are a first timer thinking about having a go, why not pop over there and see if something inspires you. More details here from tvm.

More new stuff on spnroundtable too - the first workshop we had (by clex_monkie89, all about writing guys who're guys, and American and brothers) was a great success. If you've ever struggled with writing Sam and Dean dialogue, go and take a look. And we've got another workshop coming up in a couple of weeks that'll be handy for all you spn_j2_bigbang writers - I can't remember the exact title, but big_pink is taking it, and writing about using outlines to sustain novel-length fics. And there may well be more new things to come soon... *tantalises*

Question time now. Does anyone else have problems seeing images uploaded to LJ Scrapbook? I can see public ones, but if they're viewable only to logged in LJers, or friends, I can never see them - even though I'm logged in, and can read the flocked post they're on.

Second question - do any of you watch TV on your computer, and if so, did you buy an aerial/gadget/something. I have an internal TV Tuner Card (and + MCE Remote & Rec if that's relevant), and I can get a couple of channels very hazily, but I assume I need something more. I'm just more than a little ignorant as to what, and googling's left me bemused.


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