Supernatural 3x12 - Jus in Bello

Feb 22, 2008 13:19

Much as I loved this episode (and I loved it SO much), it was spoiled a little by my sheer frustration at them airing it out of order. I wanted to see fallout from Mystery Spot, I wanted to see Sam still crazy and failing to cope, I wanted the days right after the Trickster set him back those months, when he was still struggling with the feeling of losing Dean. So I'm feeling a bit short-changed, fantastic as this episode was, especially as it would have worked perfectly if it had followed Dream a Little Dream of Me. On the other hand, we definitely saw Sam's change, his growing willingness to make the tough decisions - am so loving this Sam arc. It hurts, seeing him harden and knowing why, but it's fascinating to see it happen, gradual but sure, and wonder how far he's going to go. I just want to see it in order!

I think my favourite scene was Dean and Henriksen bonding while sorting salt shells, finding out just how alike they really are. But gah, making him so capable and likable and then killing him - Kripke, that's just not on. I am displeased. I've replayed the Lilith scene enough times to be sure there's no way Henriksen escaped, but damn, it would have been cool to have had him show up at intervals, finally on the boys' side. I'll bet he would have wanted to get in on some hunting too, do some good, catch more than the occasional bad guy. And oh, his comment to Dean, that Dean had Sam, like he really got how important Sam is to Dean, not just superficially got it, but really got it.

I'm gonna guess that some people won't like Ruby turning up with her solutions and her mojo bags, but I loved it. Especially that they didn't take her advice, they made a good plan, and but for Lilith it would have worked, would have saved almost everyone. And I really believe she would have sacrificed herself, so I'm more and more convinced that she's been telling the truth, mostly at least, all along. That she's genuinely on their side, even though it's her version of what's best for them, which won't necessarily tally with their own.

Also loved Ruby asking for a breath mint - she doesn't like them to forget she's a demon.

Sam grabbing the rosary to make holy water, oh my, he hits my competency kink so hard! They both do. And Henriksen too.

Tattoos. Matching tattoos, in matching spots on their chest. They got them together, and I just bet the tattooist was smirking over that! THEY GOT MATCHING TATTOOS!!!!! OK, Kripke, not forgiven you for killing Henriksen, but that redeems you somewhat. ♥

I'm still trying to wrap my head around the new big bad being Lilith (and her looking like a little girl, not an auburn haired Alexa Wilding (fleshflutter will know what I mean)). Is this maybe the version of Lilith who's the wife of Satan? That would make sense with the mentions we've had of Lucifer, much more than the apocryphal version of Lilith as Adam's wife. Much as I enjoy the way the show plays with mythology and religion, the sheer jumble of different elements does make it hard to work out where they're going at times. But it looks like we have Lucifer and Lilith gunning for the Winchesters, and Ruby and The Trickster helping out in their own special ways. As for Bela, I have no clue there - did she mean to just get them in a spot of trouble, or is she working for someone higher up? And if so, who? What's her plan for the Colt? Is she actually secretly demon hunting? Hah, I love that I have no idea if she's (reasonably) good or really bad.

Back to Lilith, does she now hold the contract on Dean's soul? Or is that someone else again, someone we've yet to see?

A ton of questions (um, I don't want answers if you know spoilers, though speculation I will lap up). I need thinky time on this. And Lilith research, beyond my recollection of Pre-Raphaelite art and Keat's poetry.

Comic moments ftw too: Sam and Dean fumbling around trying to sit down while chained together. So much love! And Dean's hopeless tactlessness over Nancy's virginity. Nancy's, "I'm going to have lots of sex." Pause. " Not with you." Dean's, "We're awesome." Henriksen's, "Hannibal Lector and his half-wit little brother." "Bigfoot's a hoax." "We don't swing that way." Dean's aliases!

Screencaps. 1,293, high res, 1280x720.

[zip 1 | zip 2 | zip 3 | zip 4 ] [ gallery ]

Picspam, with no Pussycat Dolls logo!

Gotta love the 'oh crap' overlayed with resignation expression here.

"But you didn't shoot the deputy," followed by...

...Sam's prize bitch face.

*waits for flood of tattoo-getting fic*

How much did I love Dean and Henriksen fighting back to back?!!

screencaps: supernatural, screencaps, fandom: supernatural

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