Supernatural 3x05 - Bedtime Stories (high res caps)

Nov 02, 2007 11:34

Nothing was quite going to match up to the awesomeness of last week's episode, but this one did a damn good job of trying!

I'm on my tea break, so this is going to be even more random than usual - so, random stuff I loved in no particular order.

The opening argument. "You're not Dad." "I'm the oldest." Oh, boys, I love that you're going round and round in circles with that argument.

Dean doing the research. And refusing to kiss the frog! I really wanted one of them to be forced to kiss that frog!

"Maybe we'll find your fairy godmother," with Sam's 'yeah, hilarious' look and Dean's gleeful little boy look.

Sam killing the crossroad's demon! OMG! And somehow I don't see him popping back to the motel, waking Dean up (a squeed aside for shots of sleeping Dean) and saying, "Oh, by the way, while you were sleeping I shot the crossroad's demon." On the other hand, presumably he's going to have to tell Dean sometime that the contract is in higher hands.

The crossroad's demon isn't a fan/friend of Ruby's. And the seven deadly sins weren't too pleased to see her either, and that was prior to her actively helping out Sam and Dean. So, what exactly has Ruby been up to?

Dean immediately flashing to a porn movie at the thought of Snow White!

"Is that what you want me to do, Dean? Just let you go?" I love that Dean couldn't bring himself to answer the question, and Sam's look of total resolve.

All you spoilerphiles on my flist - thank you! I was totally unspoiled for Sandy McCoy's role - I even forgot about her name being in the credits until she showed up at the end. Very cool surprise.

My solution to the deal in there's a devil in a looking-glass has now been jossed by the higher power holding the contract - ah well, I'm just happy it remained (mostly) canon-compliant as long as it did.

947 screencaps, high res, 1280x720.

[zip 1 | zip 2 | zip 3 | zip 4 ] [ gallery ]


Sam's face at the thought of losing Dean.

Dean does the bitch face this time.

Being the perfect team

screencaps: supernatural, screencaps, fandom: supernatural, picspam

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