Friday Night Lights snippet: a game of snakes and ladders

Sep 24, 2007 22:31

A quick little writing exercise - setting iTunes to random, and writing something inspired by the first song that came up. Basia Bulat - Snakes and Ladders.

a game of snakes and ladders [Friday Night Lights, Tyra, G, 164 words, pre-series, no spoilers]

It's bad luck to stay one place for too long. Someone told you that once. It figures. Fourteen years in one place, fourteen years of bad luck.

So you gamble. Get on a bus one day, buy a ticket as far as you can afford. You lean your head against the glass and watch Dillon slip by outside, dusty roads and dusty days. Your hair falls over your face, and you tuck it behind your ears so you can see your victory.

Next town, your mom's waiting for you. Leaning against her truck, and you have to get out, because your ten dollar bill didn't get you any further than this. She looks at you, and you stare back, and neither of you speak. You just sling your duffel in the back and climb in. Head back against the glass, you watch the world pass by, but when your hair slips out from behind your ears and covers your face, you let it stay.

fandom: friday night lights, fiction: friday night lights, fiction

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