stuff - writing and dvds

Sep 14, 2007 20:08

Random (mostly) Supernatural stuff.

+ Sweet Charity still has a week or so to run, so you've got time to decide what you want me to write if you win me! Go and bid - it's in a good cause!

+ Sam/Dean people, I'm taking a trick from setissma, and asking for suggestions - what things might they talk about (not hunt related), or what situations do you like to see them in? Any little things you've ever thought you'd like to see in a story, whether it's Sam spilling icecream down his shirt or Dean admiting he's impotent (just kidding!). Admissions, secrets, favourite things, anything like that.

+ It may not look as though my fannish September is going well, judging by my number of posts and just two posted stories, but I'm writing, lots. Largely thanks to lazy-daze' whip cracking, and everyone else who's been nudging me! That makes me happy.

+ I can't find the extras on the last disc of my Supernatural season 2 DVDs. They're there, because I ripped the disc and watched them that way, but I can't find them from the menu - the only extras that show up on the menu are the commentaries. Is my disc weird, or am I stupid (or possibly both)?

writing, fandom: supernatural

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