Remember when I used to write? Me neither.

Sep 04, 2007 19:09

My plan. Be more fannish in September. Get back into reading LJ and commenting and posting. Totally failing! So now I have a revised plan: be more fannish in the second half of September, after the big party/surprise bash I'm planning for some friends this weekend is over, and I have a life of my own back again.

The specifics of me being more fannish are quite simple: write something every day. I've even made it really easy for myself, and given myself a 500 words a day goal, which is total doddle, fifteen minutes, half an hour tops. I even have three long stories plotted out and waiting for me to get on with! Anyway, if anyone wants to coach/bully/encourage me via email from next Monday on, volunteer here! And if anyone can suggest a good Supernatural or multifandom challenge, I'd be up for it - I write so much better under pressure, so I think I need to apply some. And omg, it'll be time to sign up for yuletide again soon!

I'm dithering over Sweet Charity - I planned on contributing (as writer rather than just buyer) this time when it was going to be Heifer International, but now I'm all uncomfortable over it because of the charity choice. I know loads of people wrote wincest for it last time, when it was also for RAINN - any thoughts? I'm also wibbling simply for the scary what-if-no-one-bids-on-me factor. What? I'm PMSing, I'm allowed to be all emo!


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