Porn Battle (Fourth Verse) Final Tally

Jul 20, 2007 13:31

You'd have had the stats last night, but posting numbers drunk? Um, no. My brain objects to being made to type numbers while slightly sozzled.

So, thanks yet again to the amazing pesha, here's what there is. 232 entries - 107 authors/artists, 8 pieces of art and 2 pieces of art with fiction, one collection of porny haiku, a handful of poems, 21 bonus/extended editions, and a grand total of 71 fandoms (some represented only in crossovers). What's really cool is that some of the tiny little rare fandoms actually had more entries than big fandoms. Can you tell that pleases me?!

trascendenza 'wins' with 19 individual submissions. curtana came in second with 9 total submissions, selfinduced and vzg both had 8 submissions each and black_eyedgirl came in for a very honorable mention with 7 pieces total.

Fandom 'winners': Stargate Atlantis romped home in the lead with 36 entries, Stargate SG-1 made a late showing and produced a very creditable 29 entries, and Supernatural came third with 18.

Not going to say much about the latest LJ announcement regarding the TOS, for the sake of those who're getting that déjà vu feeling over all the fandom panic. Just that, as far as I can see, fanfiction, even the really porny, passes the Miller test, so I'll be sticking around here, and there'll be another Porn Battle in six months time. If you've got any suggestions for the next one, leave them here.

What I am going to say something about is the weather. Because it's England, and I never do, but I ought to complain at least occasionally. It's a national requirement. And when it's rained practically non-stop all summer, and I'm winter-white in July, there's cause for complaint! Also, I like thunderstorms, but not right on top of me - I want a gap between my lightning and my thunder, please!

challenge: porn battle

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